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Comment Ready, fire, aim! (Score 1, Insightful) 507

If you want to do it semi-scientifically, then test a given methodology for at least 7 years on actual projects for multiple project and organization types.

Why is it methodologies start spreading before being properly field tested? It appears to be hypsters jumping the gun in order to get rich selling hype (books, training, & consulting), but I'm open to other explanations.

Comment Re:MS Rant #47 (Re:Visual effects) (Score 1) 152

That's an interesting perspective I haven't considered. But, a company as large as Microsoft should have plenty of "usability" experts to point that out and actual user testing. They have the experts and resources to know better, more so than a vast majority of orgs.

Incidentally, GIMP made a similar snafu. Are they both copying some other vendor, or copying each other? Who started this fad?

Also, it is possible to re-import most PDF's into Word, Excel, etc.; it's just lossy. But many other existing Save-As's are also lossy, such as CSV which cuts out formatting info. Thus, "re-importable" is a continuum. Only the single native format typically has any guarantee of not being lossy.

Comment Re:What Fucking Decade Is It? (Score 2) 100

If your data needs to be correct, define it and its relationships then use SQL. You will have to pay someone decent money to do this correctly.

PHB's have to learn the hard way. They want it cheap, big, and now. Security & reliability issues are something they try to blame on somebody else using their well-honed spin skills.

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