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Comment Re:I choose MS SQL Server [Backups] (Score 1) 320

The biggest problem I find with the Express edition is backups. You cannot use a regular file-based backup system to backup such databases due to locks, data pointers, etc. The paid edition has scheduled backup dumps built in.

There are tricks, such as scripts to deactivate the DB, copy the files, and re-activate it, but that's too risky and clunky.

Does anybody know a better way to get backups from E?

Comment and a holiday (Score 1) 1089

How about national voting holiday. Perhaps in March or April where the holidays are sparse.

Require double-time wages if a co. requires somebody to come in for work, or at least double-time if required to stay more than 4 hours to encourage half-days. (A make-up voting day may be needed for those required to work all day, per signed note from employer.)

Anyhow, it would never pass the Supreme Court.

Comment Re:I think computer scientists already knew this.. (Score 1) 274

I always like to create a kind of pseudo-code that fits the problem at hand, and then work backward to turn that sub-language into the base language, be it C# or Python or whatnot.

In other words, brainstorm about which notation and/or command set (API) best fits the domain or problem area without letting the syntax of the base language get in the way. The rest is mostly implementation detail. Sometimes OOP is the best fit, sometimes optional named parameters, sometimes database tables of commands and attributes, etc. (Certain languages do, however, make certain of these choices easier than others. Often it's a trade-off.)

I prefer to shape the "language" (to fit) rather than the other way around. Of course, like anything else, one can get carried away and over-engineer a sub-language. Keep it a light layer.

Spoken languages can kind of be viewed the same way. Languages that are vowel-centric tend to be better for singing and operas, for example. Latin is a good fit for science because it's a dead language, making it a stable naming platform. German is a great language for cussing in because it has a lot of sharp consonants and guttural sounds. (Somehow, I doubt Hitler would have sounded so ominous in French.)

Comment MittCare & World already gave us a Beta (Score 1) 334

RomneyCare, which ACA is based on, has had a decent reception in MA; and EVERY other industrial country has a gov't-assisted healthcare or healthcare insurance system. It's not like it's uncharted territory. True, the details can use tuning, but the big picture is not new.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
