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Comment Re:I agree .. BUT .... (Score 2) 232

lol.The guy I sit opposite has to support a solution built around Biztalk. He continually says "it must have seemed a good idea at the time".

Unfortunately, he has to maintain it, the original weenies who wrote it have moved on to devastate other projects with some other cutting-edge, 'cool' new technology.

Comment Re:No one ever got fired for buying IBM (Score 1) 232

Yes, but somebody had to do the proving

somebody else can do it - somebody who isn't trying to make a product that will last. Startup type people who will bang something out and then, if it proves successful, rewrite it in boring technologies anyway.

I think the simplest way is just to use boring technologies anyway, if you consider anything that has been around for a few years becomes either old and boring, or dead and unused.

Comment Re: How is it a "rite of passage"? (Score 1) 49

like storing passwords in plaintext. That's just fucking stupid

not as stupid as you think. Sure, encrypting your passwords is another layer of security but really, if an attacker gets your password database, then they can (and will) crack them quite easily today. Given that all you're doing is slowing the attacker down, it can be better to store them in plaintext.

Because - if you know your passwords are precious and need to be looked after, you will take many more steps to ensure the attacker doesn't get them in the first place. Too many websites think that if the passwords are encrypted then they're all secure. They don't think the (small) effort to properly put the DB behind a middle tier layer and not allow any web application to directly access the tables is worth doing, and so they get hacked and the passwords get cracked.

I blame the web development frameworks, if your idea if security is running it all inside the webserver that's public internet-connected, then you're going to get hacked.

Comment Re:It depends (Score 1) 486

I think this shows the education of modern programmers.

Take a string, append 1 byte. Repeat a million times. Say "why is it so slow?".

Its probably because every time you write to most strings classes, you're making a copy and re-allocating the whole lot, and then deallocating the original.

If you knew C, you'd know what was happening here. This is why we need to teach C to programming students and not Java. Once they know C they can learn Java or whatever takes their fancy on their own time.

(although even Java and .NET programmers should understand what a stringbuilder is and why you'd use it)

Comment Re:Here's MY test (Score 1) 522

FWIW, my current project fails since we only have one woman on the team.

right, Julie you can ignore this, but HR has said we have targets to meet so the rest of you have to nominate someone who's gong to have to wear a dress. Wayne, or should I say Waynetta, its probably going to be you.

Comment Re:Totally agree with Bechdel (Score 1) 522

Not douche, but an insighhtful person who thinks that such positive discrimination and gender bias such as the Bechel test can be so trivially circumvented.

In this case, 2 women talking to each other about.. well, women. Passes the test completely even though its not exactly feminist material (or is, depending).

The rest of us think that if women want to be programmers they will be. Same as if men want to be hairdressers, childcare workers or nurses.

The discrimination and supposedly anti-female culture in IT is really nothing of the sort - its equally pathetic when viewed from a male viewpoint. Me for example, I hate the industry because I am focussed on producing quality deliverables that fit the user's needs, and I can;t stand the so-called 'alpha geek' who thinks he's the best because he's googled the latest cool technology that will be obsolete in a week. That kind of bullshit affects me just as much as female workers.

Comment Re:Only "Windows Runtime" APIs (Score 1) 133

But it is a very pertinent question - of all the things released, a huge amount of them are written with a win32 API and then wrapped with the WinRT API (or at least, it used to be that way).

For example, I'm looking at code to search through Word documents in .NET, and it appears Microsoft has catered for my needs - there's an IFilter API that is designed for exactly this, and yet its a native COM interface (and no .NET wrapper!!). I found the same for the transcription APIs and a few others. It seems the Windows team doesn't like .NET and only releases their features in native formats.

So, has this changed and the Windows team been kicked into developing WinRT only APIs, or will I still see native ones coming out with wrappers developed by the developer team?

I'm not convinced universal apps will create excitement - not if this is the 3rd API that devs have have to learn, you get bored with learning stuff that becomes quickly obsolete only so many times, and many users will still be developing for Windows 7, for many years to come. Universal apps are meaningless if Win7 still has to be supported.

Comment Re:Too Big to Nail (Score 1) 121

such as restricting advertisers from working with rival search engines

Maybe there is no counter-argument here, and that they are guilty as sin. Just the cost of lawyering up is the only thing stopping them being brought to book. You make it sound like the allegations are just rumour and trivia.

Its pretty reasonable to suggest that justice is not being done at all here - despite what could easily be plain anti-competitive practices. That no-one will take it to court to test it means there is no justice for anyone, an allegation hanging over Google and whatever bad practices they perpetrate continue.

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