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Submission + - Floating train at 2000 km/h set to store 10% of Dutch electricity (www.ecn.nl)

An anonymous reader writes: The construction of a huge underground maglev-style floating railway will make it possible to store 10% of the Netherlands' daily energy needs in the form of kinetic energy. This Energy Train can compensate for peaks and troughs in the supply and demand of wind and solar energy at one tenth of the usual costs.

The concept has been devised and developed by the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) and is set to revolutionise the world of energy storage.

The floating railway will cover a circular track with a radius of 2.5 km. In periods when too much wind or solar energy is generated, the surplus electricity is used to set in motion a pure-mass floating maglev train within a vacuum tunnel. It can reach a speed of 2,000 kilometres per hour. In periods when insufficient renewable energy is generated, this kinetic energy can be re-converted into electricity and fed into the grid

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