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Comment Limit has been solved for some time (Score 0) 340

There's even casinos you an play against limit players.

The real "challenge" if you call it that is finding No Limit solved.

I could easily code a No limit bot which will make the right move maybe 80-90% of the time that puts reads on and everything.

But where's the fun in that? Online poker sites crack down on bots with captchas, so why do I want to lose my initial deposit. Anymore when I play no limit, I play it like it is solved. I get my money in correctly maybe 95% of the time. The fun part of poker is that once you know how to play, its simple. Its hard to learn how to play correctly, but it is easier than tic-tac-toe once you got a strategy down. And yes, I've turned $1 into $1000 over several thousand games, so I'm not just bsing. I'm just a lifelong gamer with a math statistician background who got interested with poker over about a decade.

The reason I don't just go and make a living over it is that I still have some moral hangups on making money and not producing anything for society. It is the same reason I didn't decide to be a pro-gamer, but instead wanted to make software games and useful aps for people to use.

The only thing a good NL bot could do in today's world is make bad players into geniuses like chess programs makes everyone online play like a Grand Master. And there's no good way to monetize this with piracy or I'd sell "near-perfect No limit poker bots" for 500$ a pop or something. Since there's no money to be had due to piracy, its the same reason good players don't write books on the best strategies, they can just play the game and make money. It's better to keep other poker players in the dark on the right moves instead of educating them. I only teach a select few how to play the game right, and normally they don't listen anyway :P Some day in the future everyone will be playing perfect NL Texas Holdem, and it will no longer be a game of skill, it will be gambling since everyone is playing the same style.

Comment Flash is the best mobile language (Score 1) 242

Laugh all you want. Believe all the negative propaganda if you listen to everything people tell you. But Flash is incredible to produce Android,Ipad/iPhone aps. Its soooo easy compared with any language I ever used. If you know C/C++ or Java, you can pick up Flash in a week. It also ports to Web, and Windows/Linux/Mac without modifying code.

Flash gets a bad rap, but I've never been so impressed with a language for producing modern software. The only downside is that it can be slow, but you can generally render 1,000+ graphics on the screen before you notice any slowdown. It isn't meant for the leanest and meanest modern 3d games, but if you want to get into the ap stores, its one of the best roads. It is far superior than picking Android or IOS specific programming languages.

Now I typically get buried for saying this for some reason. I'm not sure if people are bent out of shape because they hate Flash or if the Flash developers don't want their well kept secret to get out.

Comment Lucky Charms is a health food! (Score 2) 224

The marketing bots are out of control and use science in ways it wasn't meant to be. All a marketing bot needs to do is look at one scientific fact anywhere that says something remotely positive about their product and voila, advertising angle. I seriously saw Lucky Charms marketed as a health food once because the oat pieces are made of oats which are known to be good for the heart. Science is supposed to be unbiased, but the results are being used in wrong ways. You can say something good about anything. "Why not try toxic waste for a facial cream? It will give your skin a healthy glow."

Comment Re:And people over 40 don't know how to reinstall (Score 1) 840

It isn't hard to get a virus on Windows. Many people can get a virus in their first week of owning a product. Going out and buying a 300$ product every week is not cost feasible. In fact there's probably a correlation between how gullible a person is for falling for Internet virus scams and their ineptitude for reinstalling windows... Call it the noob factor.

Comment Re:And people over 40 don't know how to reinstall (Score 1) 840

Conclusion: Everyone has different skill sets.
PS: I always think it'd be cool if they designed a car for the car heads to work on, but it'd be like that episode of the Simpsons where Homer bankrupts the company because people would get hurt working on the car, and then sue because the car was designed to be worked on. Every year it seems like cars get harder and harder to work on by a non professional mechanic.

Comment And people over 40 don't know how to reinstall (Score 1) 840

I see so many people who go: Hurr, Durr, my computer has a virus, I guess I'll just store it or throw it away.

Generally it isn't hard to reinstall an OS. It is a pain, but it isn't hard. And if you get sick of it, install Linux because almost no viruses target Linux.

My dad knows how to fix cars because he grew up in a world of no computers and cars were cool to get into then. I can't fix cars because I got involves in programming and video games.

Am I really supposed to be fiddling with fixing a blender? That sounds near suicidal for someone who isn't trained in it. And how cheap blenders are, there probably isn't a lot of market for a blender repair man either.

Comment Telecommute for the win, the future is now. (Score 2) 294

Little guys like Indie video game companies can't afford studios. They make video games with an artist in one state, and a programmer in another state. The teams can get big, but they get successful software done. Telecommuting saves people tens of grand a year, and I'd take a job for 20-30 grand less a year if I could telecommute. That's the price of gas, time to commute and big time savings on housing. Meetings are even more productive than in face meetings because you both share computers with things like gotomeeting or You get communication via voice, and can share copy/paste buffers and write code together which is productive unlike face to face meetings where no actual code normally gets done.

Don't criticize telecommuting if you haven't done it yet. I know it is different(and people are afraid of change), but it is superior in many ways.

Comment Pretty much all the people want net neutrality (Score 1) 81

I'm not sure of an issue that has such unanimous approval as net neutrality.

Only a few vested greedy people who want legalized extortion websites for more money don't want them to be classified as utilities.

It should be interesting if even under the spot light of all the eyes of people that they willingly do the wrong thing.

Comment If you could scientifically force God's hand... (Score 1) 755

If you could scientifically force God's hand to always act in a certain way, the engineers would have a field day with it. :) I'm a dude who knows God is real. I don't try and prove him. I just say he is real, and that we all should love each other more because that is what my Bro Jesus said. Just about everyone will conclude the world needs more love.

Comment Is this Slashdot beta?A bunch of politics? (Score 1) 552

Over 75% of the articles on Slashdot front page are all political in nature over tech/science related. There's even an article that is Pro-FCC which basically every geek knows is trying to shaft us.

I don't like this Slashdot beta. It was bad enough with all the sock puppet accounts trying to do political spin, but it seems like all the articles are now political. I'll give it a few weeks and see if it was just an anomaly, but Slashdot could be in its death spirals. I've been noticing a change, but you can do it yourself, look at the front page of approved articles, they're almost all political in nature.

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