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Comment Re:Netgear (Score 1) 322

I ordered an WNDR-3700 from Amazon a few days ago and it arrived yesterday. I plan on running ceroWRT on it - no more bufferbloat!


They chose the 3700v2 because it is one of the few (only) routers with of the drivers having source available, so I expect it will be supported for a number of years.

Comment Re:So what if (Score 2) 201

As a fellow believer of the 2nd Amendment, I think talk of "overthrow[ing] this government now" is quite premature and irresponsible.

We are still working through the courts to (re)gain our right to carry outside the home. Once that is gained and exercised by citizens in the North East and California, much of this 4th Amendment violation will simply disappear. It will no longer be practical.

Insurrection is silly.

Comment Re:Thought it would be fun to participate (Score 1) 118

I already had VirtualBox 4.1.0 installed, so I installed the Boinc client, attached to http://boinc01.cern.ch/test4theory and created an account without problem - I haven't done any @home projects since some SETI units about 10 years ago.

The Boinc client spent several minutes downloading a linux virtual machine (boinc_vm) for VirtualBox, which booted automagically. Then boinc_vm started "..fetching input files for job..." for a minute, "started a child process", downloaded some more data, and started burning CPU. The Boinc client takes up ~13M and the VM around 45M. Not bad. The work unit will take 1mil GFLOPS of processing, and my machine does 2.28GFLOP/sec, so it will be about 5 days of CPU time. It updates progress in 1% increments, so I am at 1.000% done.

I went to my webpage account and set my pref to 100% CPU, otherwise the VM pauses a lot.

Comment Re:This is a "prestige" plan without a mission (Score 1) 221

Well, thanks to a stupid electorate, we put people in power who think the USA should
police the world (DOD),
have government run medical research (NIH),
provide health care,
put a few people in space,
subsidize industries,
give money to UN,
etc, etc

The party is over. As one who has worked in medical research, I say good riddance to ripping off the tax payer.
Of course, the average person is dumb enough to think these things are free.

Comment Re:Who is responsible? (Score 1) 620

I've had the same thing happen to me - oncoming car took a left hand turn on MY green without yielding to me. I slammed on the brakes and put my head down, so my helmet took the force as I broadsided the van.

The stupid driver claimed *I* had a red light.

I was younger and stupider, then. I should have got his license plate, and name.

Comment Re:Ummm... (Score 0) 760

haha... I don't understand my own research.

I understand that there are more PhDs than jobs in this biotech hub.

I don't disagree that universities serve as training grounds, but there are many labs with zero students.

btw, I never said "no value." There can be value in government projects, but there is More Value in letting people keep their own money, and allowing industry to do the work.

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