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Comment Re:Spare me NASA's PR Hype (Score 2) 140

You to realize that the first Apollo fight was supposed to be manned, and it killed all three astronauts on board? NASA realize it was being too aggressive and ran a series of unmanned Apollo/Saturn fights before launching the first manned mission.

You don't build an entire rocket system and try to do everything on the first mission.

Comment Huh (Score 1) 111

If both sides agree to accept Bitcoin and both sides are fine with the anonymity, why does MasterCard's care? Oh right, they want the government to step in and make it illegal (tried it, didn't work), put in a bunch of regulations that send Bitcoin out of business (obviously they don't understand what Bitcoin is as that won't work either) or at the very least force people to use MasterCardCoin. (why would anyone?)

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