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Comment Huh (Score 1) 111

If both sides agree to accept Bitcoin and both sides are fine with the anonymity, why does MasterCard's care? Oh right, they want the government to step in and make it illegal (tried it, didn't work), put in a bunch of regulations that send Bitcoin out of business (obviously they don't understand what Bitcoin is as that won't work either) or at the very least force people to use MasterCardCoin. (why would anyone?)

Comment Neowin is an idiot (Score 1) 171

"Neowin speculates that this large jump in version number is likely related to the massive overhaul of the underlying components..."

The version number and the amount of work on a project have nothing to do with one another. Does he (or they, whatever the hell a neowin is) really think that 40% of all the work that has ever gone into windows happened in this iteration? Version numbers are assigned by marketing and management. You have to name your product something, but what it is named has nothing to do with the engineers working on it.

And yes, I know that the actual name (windows 7, XP, Vista) is also assigned by marketing. But since people know the top name means nothing and look at the internal version number, marketing gets a hold of that and tries to manipulate it as well.

As Londo said... "It does not mean a thing!"

Comment Re:Which party is scummy? (Score 1) 299

Hey, I am not defending Uber, they are certianly scum when you look at their past activities.

But what if a journalist was being paid by taxi unions or organizations?

And what does any of this have to do with sexism?

It depends on what they do with their information. Do they point out a conflict of interest, or do they release a journalists home address? One of those is certainly not acceptable. The other might be.

Comment Re:Depends on Embargo Lift (Score 5, Interesting) 474

If a publisher starts withholding games due to the embargo, then why not make that a story and publish a review of "We were only allowed to see the trailer, but based on the bad faith of the publisher we suggest that NOBODY PREODER OR BUY THIS GAME, because obviously the game must be crap if they feel the need to have an embargo."

If people stopped preordering games and buying on release day... this stuff would stop pretty quick.

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