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Comment Re:Or, Apple could be fearful of comoditization (Score 1) 405

I am sure people already do this, and in any event the employees of the store will steer the person to the thing that is the most profitable for them, even if the person really does want an iPad.

Best Buy's Samsung store within a store are really annoying at this. (Though oddly enough I liked the Samsung Tab much better than the Nexus 7 I originally intended to buy. But I only got the tab because I told the Samsung guys to leave me alone while I inspected both products and made my own decision.)

Comment Re:Helium? (Score 1) 296

Think about it. The volume of 12 hard drives would easily fit instead of a standard party balloon. Now consider that most of the drive is filled up with platters and electronics, and there might be 10 cents worth of helium inside of each hard drive. Lets say they use super pure helium... so 50 cents.

Comment Re:Thrift Store (Score 1) 187

What he means is, that department store telescopes are shit; and department store telescopes given as gifts to people who do not care about astronomy will be shit treated in a shitty way. No better way to discourage someone from astronomy by giving them an entirely non-functional telescope.

Besides, there was no advice in your post about what kind of scope to get. Picking up any random thing is exactly what the poster was trying to avoid.

My suggestion, contact a local astronomy club to find out if they have any spare telescopes for sale. They usually have small ones that a member has fixed up and collimated. As an added benefit, they will be happy to teach you how to use it properly.

Comment Re:Wrong way to do it... (Score 1) 53

This is what doomed the Shuttle. It was designed for a totally different mission profile than it was used for. It had unused polar launch capability (from Vanderburg AFB) and large cross-range ability that was not necessary at all to reach the ISS. This caused the shuttle to be heavier, with less range and more expensive than it could have been for the missions it was used for.

I have no doubt that SLS will become the same disaster, as it is going to be designed to do "every mission" and end up doing them all for far more money than it could have.

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