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Comment Re:What would you do if malware tried to break out (Score 1) 1042

Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

Comment Fibonacci Sequence in Nature (Score 0) 1042

Take a look at the Fibonacci sequence in nature, it's absolutely everywhere. So if not a simulation than it clearly is intelligent design. So either we are living in the movie The Matrix or the Christian God really did create the heavens and the earth. Mankind is still no closer to the perfection of nature. You can't look at these details and say some random proteins and amino acids coalesced and sprung into life spontaneously of it's own accord after a lightning strike.

Comment Re:Many believe that we live in a computer simulat (Score 1) 1042

No business man with multiple ventures wins all the time. Losing 4 times in 20 years is not bad at all. Rockefeller went bankrupt several times. Clearly you don't know anything about what makes a good business man. They have all had failures and triumphs, but they didn't give up and that is what Trump has done. Meanwhile Obama has failed at every single agenda item in 8 years. Not a single thing could be considered a success and Hillary has accomplished absolute zero.

List their successes I bet you can't. Don't say Obamacare cause it's literally crashing and burning. It's not reduced costs and its a huge failure, just as Bill Clinton who said so.

Comment Re: Many believe that we live in a computer simula (Score 0) 1042

Bwahahahaha! Yeah that VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY line...

1. Bill is full of $hit but Hillary is just a bad liar
2. Maybe she's been lying for 30 years so it looks like she is being persecuted, she's Teflon nothing sticks
3. She should be wearing an orange jump suit in a federal prison
4. The foundation is a well oiled money laundering operation and a semi-legal way to take kickbacks (Slush Fund)
5. Hillary will say anything to any group if they want to hear it to get elected (Super power = FlipFlop)
6. Hillary doesn't give a crap about anyone but herself and her money
7. She's a moron who cannot even work a fax machine or email outside a BlackBerry, she is just really good at lying
8. She's a man hater who would put your balls in a lockbox
9. Her health is extremely questionable, do you really want Kaine to be president in a year?
- Seizures, Blackouts, Falls, Head bob, eyes drifting... Come on she's having micro strokes or it's Parkinson's, and early onset Dementia/Alzheimers. You want someone like that to be the most powerful leader in the world?

Yeah you researched it alright, not objectively and not using critical thinking. Truth is the choice is between a giant douche (Trump) and a turd sandwich (Hillary).

Comment I don't think so... (Score 1) 173

Sure, I'll be glad to upload my entire video collection of 20TB's which will take approximately 180 days of continuous uploading to Amazon's cloud drive (take longer with data caps because I'll have to restart it each month until it actually completes the 20TB uploads) where it is not encrypted nor well protected and whose contents will be completely indistinguishable from pirated content versus a ripped personal use copy. I am sure the MPAA would love to go after this data. I will gladly give over my hard earned money to Amazon to pay for this privilege. I'll give up my private server which I carefully created to consume less than 40 watts (currently running a 20W Atom 8 Core processor with 8 4TB drives in a ZFS array), offset with my use of many solar panels, to shift to a cloud data center consuming considerably more than 1.21 gigawatts of electricity.

Yeah that's about as smart as buying a Tesla and thinking I am saving the environment by driving around with highly toxic batteries all getting their power from the grid, disregarding the fact that the grid is completely powered by burning coal, oil, and natural gas! Hey, maybe I can put the Tesla in Autodrive and watch my Plex cloud videos on the Tesla display panel using a cellular data plan and decapitate myself at 60Mph when a tractor trailer makes a u-turn in front of my Tesla.

Yeah, 20TB's is no joke. I go through the data now and then and transcode the video to more efficient smaller files to save space and prune data I really don't need to keep long term. But the Internet is my DVR and it's fully automated. Plex helped me realize the joys of cord cutting. I ripped a considerable library of content and yeah some of that content is downloaded and consumed and typically discarded. Love me some Plex.

I think I'll just stick to my personal server and sync connect to the iPad for offline viewing on the planes and trains as I have been doing. It makes zero sense for me to download content re-upload that content to a Plex server in the cloud unless I want to more easily share that content with friends which I am already doing with little trouble as its easy with a standalone server in my home. I do not trust cloud providers with my data and you shouldn't either.

Comment Quite a Dilemma... (Score 1) 343

Snowden alerted the world to unprecedented civilian surveillance by not only the NSA but also American allies surveillance This Orwellian surveillance of Americans is supposed to be illegal. Smartphones and social media are a god send to intelligence operators. They had full reign of every single smartphone on the planet. Every human carried a microphone, GPS, and camera and everything they sent or received could be intercepted. Talk about the holy grail of intelligence gathering! The insight revealed in the WikiLeaks published by Snowden have led to new security and encryption to be implemented everywhere. On the one hand I don't like the government spying on civilians so I like the idea that tech companies up their game as a result.

At the same time, he revealed this secret surveillance, methods, and abilities to our enemies who are now able to adapt and avoid detection and surveillance. That is a clear example of aiding the enemy and is downright treasonous. I would much prefer not to be under surveillance but the enemy is literally among us within the civilian population and that has not changed, in fact it's greatly increased in the last eight years.

So what to do about Snowden... Well I do not agree he should be pardoned, quite the opposite. He has blown wide open the biggest of classified top secret intelligence documenting just about all of the intelligence communities abilities and methods. It is the biggest leak in history. The damage done is enormous to the safety and security of the US and our allies to defend against enemies foreign and domestic. Even today he is being allowed to video conference and be paid for speaking to various groups as a privacy advocate. The man should be assassinated even in Russia. If he is ever captured he should be just made to disappear. Yes, I mean shoot him in the head and dump him in the sea like Osama Bin Laden. He is a treasonous bastard of epic proportions. He has betrayed everyone with a security clearance. He has betrayed his country. He has put many lives at risk and he has destroyed valuable methods of intelligence by revealing their existence. The damage done is absolutely enormous. If anyone deserves to die for treason it is Snowden.

FYI, I also agree that Hillary Clinton should be charged with high crimes and misdemeanors and imprisoned for no less than 15 years. She should have her security clearance revoked immediately and she should be ineligible to run for the presidency. I also know that Obama's birth certificate is fake, it was released in PDF format and was clearly doctored. I don't believe Hawaii even has a real microfiche copy of his birth certificate on file, I believe they took another one and doctored it and released the PDF but they were stupid enough to not merge the layers first. I believe that Obama was not born in the US but overseas. I believe that he is a Marxist and he has done more damage to the USA than even Snowden's treason. He has cut the military dramatically, reduced our nuclear weapons, alienated our allies, embraced and emboldened our enemies, caused the Arab Spring which has destabilized the entire middle east, pulled troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan which has allowed ISIS to grow, released Guantanamo Bay terrorists who re-took the battlefield, kept the US economy strangled to prevent recovery, enabled riots in the streets and increased racism and hate groups such as the New Black Panthers and BLK, etc. I do not believe he is incompetent I believe this is all intentional. No president has ever done so much damage in history except for perhaps Nero of Rome.

God Help Us All... It's either build a bunker, stockpile weapons and food or ready onesself for the Rapture and Armageddon. We are so close to WWIII it is not funny. China and Russia have been ramping up their militaries at a very rapid pace while we downsize our own. Threats against the USA continue to mount.

Comment Economy (Score 1, Insightful) 459

Hey any of you millennials even alive during the 1970's and 1980's? Cause it's worse now than in the 1970's under Carter. Yet Regan and the GOP managed to turn around the economy in an enormous way. I mean things were really booming in the mid-late 80's. Then it tanked a bit during Clinton years. The housing bubble was the direct result of Democrats forcing Freddie May and Fannie Mac to give mortgages to people who could not afford them. Then all the other companies got greedy and did the same thing. If it were not for Obama's heavy tax and regulation government along with the failed ACA the economy would have rebounded by now. For 6 years companies have been afraid to spend cash because they didn't know what ACA and other regulations would mean for the future.

It works every time it's tried. Reducing regulation, reducing taxes on corporations and the rich produces jobs and boosts the economy. The rich have gotten richer even under Obama and more so because they can keep their money and invest it wisely. But the middle class and entrepreneurs are suffering greatly. 97 Million workers have literally given up on finding work. Government does not create jobs, but companies do. If you tax them too much they won't hire. If you make things seem risky due to regulation they won't take risks. Government is standing in the way of American business.

Comment Hillary on those dang emails... (Score 2) 459

Look most of us are in tech, heck all of us are in tech. We all know exactly what Hillary did and how it was done and incredibly screwed up things must have been for her to get away with it. I mean don't even get me started... She didn't want to carry two phones and she didn't want to use the States BlackBerry because she feared they would be able to track her personal email (if their BES even allowed personal email) and she feared FOIA Requests more than anything. It's like the IRS manager targeting Tea Party tax exempt status and using a phony alias email to avoid FOIA requests. People she worked with must have been emailing her @clintonemail address knowing full well that it was not a State Department email. She wasn't listed in the GAL directory. Her assistants clearly took top secret and classified emails from the secure systems and retyped them into an email to Hillary and removed the headers in the process. She emailed Blumenthal constantly because she simply couldn't make a decision without him. She actually tried to hire him but Obama was pissed at his tactics during the second term election. There is a clear evidence trail showing she knew exactly what she was doing but she refused to listen to anyone. She even hired that plead the 5th email engineer at the State Department and he was this outcast nomad that no one in IT knew what he was doing. He would be in IT meetings and such and everyone else was whose that guy? This is the guy who dropped much of the security on her private email server because it was causing emails to bounce and otherwise not be delivered.

It just really pisses me off. On this one topic alone she's done in my book. She should be in prison and she should lose her security clearance. All the pay for play money should be seized and her assets frozen. She deserves to be held accountable for her actions. Anyone else would be locked away by now, it's a damn disgrace.

Comment Brilliant foreign policy quote (Score 2) 459

"The Era of Hope and Change has been one prolonged act of suicide. If anyone had said that Obama would manage to alienate Israel and the Philippines, lose Turkey, pay Iran a hundred billion dollars, preside over the loss of a won war in Afghanistan, lose billions of dollars in military equipment to ISIS, watch a consulate burn, restart the Cold War with Russia, cause Japan to re-arm and go the knife's edge with China would you have believed it? If someone had told you in 2008 millions of refugees would be heading for Europe and that the UK would leave the EU after Obama went there to campaign for them to remain would you not have laughed?" --Richard Fernandez - Belmont Club - pjmedia-dot-com

Pretty much sums up the foreign policy failures of Obama and Hillary.

Comment Re:Laughable (Score 1) 76

Slack has been replacing IRC in many environments namely open source projects. It's easier to build a community without the wankers jumping in and being a royal PITA. IRC is great except for the rebel scum. Slack builds communities and it actually does offer IRC integration if IRC is your bag. Pretty sure Slack is mostly IRC under the hood.

Comment Fanboi Not Impressed -- AirPod's (Score 2) 551

For $169 using the exact same shape as the normal ear buds but now wireless with a recharging case, means you are going to lose an AirPod in record time. Those suckers fall out of my ears all the damn time to the point I replaced the ear buds with something much better. Not even working out, just walking around or just sitting still and they fall out.

I'd rather pay a bit more for German headphones than any Beats or Apple EarBud/AirPod... I don't get the popularity of Beats, they make you look like a friggin' moron. Early iPhone adopters were mugged due to the white headphones clearly indicating you had an iPhone...

Comment Argh... (Score 1) 534

Ok, so I get it, I really do. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, etc. all are funded by advertising that is how they make their money. It is their only business model. That being said, using mobile Facebook app I find a bunch of friends posting articles with the most horrific of advertising, the worst of the worst. The Facebook app browser doesn't let you block any of it. It's near impossible to even read the article with floating popups top and bottom banners and inline ads with buttons to fool you into click next in a slide show. Most of the articles are not even worth reading. But if I do want to read it, I can open with Safari and then my adblocker engages and suddenly the article is readable! The advertising is messing with the user experience in terrible ways. Especially on mobile as the screens are small.

It's these annoying ads on mobile that are horrific. Now FB is inserting suggested content into the news feed. They are also filtering the newsfeed and messing with the order of my friends posts. I rarely use FB on a desktop browser but when I do I definitely use an adblocker.

About the only way I can see if they are going to be aggressive about this is if they start using JavaScript extensively to make it darn near impossible to decipher. They load JavaScript into the browser then feed an encrypted stream to the browser and use the script already running in the browser to decode and render the page. Add many levels of abstraction and strip all the whitespace and it will make it difficult though not entirely impossible for the adblockers to decipher. They could scramble URLs, hostnames, etc.

I think they will shoot themselves in the foot over this... It would be a nail in their coffin and they would be headed the way of MySpace in no time flat. The new generation doesn't even use FB cause it's mostly old farts on FB now and their parents.

I like keeping in touch with family and friends on FB. I keep my friends at a small tight list. But I would drop it in a heartbeat if they pull any shenanigans.

Comment Pineapple (Score 2) 109

A Pineapple is a home made device using a small router connected to a cellular hotspot. Every computer actually broadcasts the networks it has saved in order to locate one of the networks. The Pineapple sees these probes and instantly becomes that wifi network allowing them to connect without a password. Then all traffic is passed onto the hotspot but at this point the attacker is a man in the middle and can intercept all traffic. Unless the user is using encryption such as SSL, VPN, there is quick a bit of information that can be obtained. Also any zero days could be attempted to hack their device.

Walk through any airport with a Pineapple and you will hit 1,200 people easily. The Pineapple is cooler than setting up multiple phony hotspots because it can fit in your pocket or laptop bag and you can just walk around scooping up connections to investigate.

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