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Comment Re:Parallax. (Score 1) 425

Yep. I recently acquired a inexpensive macro zoom lens. At 1:2-- yes, yes, it's not true macro-- I have to hold the camera very close-- a few centimetres-- to whatever I'm trying to focus on. At the faster f-stops, the depth of field is wafer thin-- a good photographer with a fast macro can make that lens "bulge" disappear. Most macro technique involves stopping down the aperture (and consequently needing to use some sort of flash) and focus stacking to get as much depth of field as possible-- neglecting to do so for artistic reasons is quite doable.

Comment Re:Overkill much... (Score 1) 210

Nope-- they would drop frames. The write speed is not sufficient for raw 4k video. It's good for about 1.5 hours of video, perhaps even more since 95MB/sec is the read speed, and not the (almost certainly) slightly slower write speed, and of course, it's unlikely that the camera will produce data at this exact speed.

The blackmagic cameras are typically used with SSDs. even though some SanDisk extreme Pro SDCards support 280 MB/s reads. This 512 GB card is hogtied by its slow speed, even though 95 MB/s would ordinarily be regarded as pretty speedy.

Comment Re:12 buses, at $million each . Fare: $150 (Score 2) 491

The range is 30 miles. Periodically, the busses will fully recharge in seven and half minutes.

StarMetro in Tallahassee, which has a fleet of 72 diesel buses, found itself coping with budget problems when the price of diesel spiked in 2007. Fuel is typically the second-highest cost for a transit system, behind labor. StarMetro was Proterra’s third customer, ordering three buses in 2010 and two more in 2011, backed by federal funds. “We put them on our most visible route,” said Ralph Wilder, superintendent of transit maintenance. The buses can easily handle the 18-mile loop, which runs from Tallahassee Community College to the Governor’s Square Mall. On this route, all buses stop for 10 minutes in the middle, to wait for connections, so charging up the electric ones doesn’t add any time to the trips. Recharging takes about 7.5 minutes.

So, $825,000 for the electric bus, but only $80,000 in fuel costs over 12 years, vs $447,000 for a diesel bus with $500,000 in fuel costs. In theory, economical, but there are also air quality improvements-- depending on how the electricity is sourced.

Comment Re:Nice (Score 3, Funny) 105

personal hygiene is actually practised

Quite right. Simple measures
  Wash your hands, cover your mouth while coughing, seal the gloves of your suit with duct tape, stay home from work, use a glovebox, Get plenty of sleep and exercise, decontaminate yourself with a disinfectant shower, manage your stress, ensure that the air is filtered and sterilized,, drink plenty of fluids, decontaminate and sterilize your garbage, and eat healthy food.

Comment Re:Cut the Russians Off (Score 1) 848

To import natural gas, you either need pipelines connected to your supplier, or a seaport capable of deliquifying natural gas. Of course, your supplier needs to have seaports capable of liquifying natural gas for transport.
LNG Terminals

There are three plants in the Americas-- Atlantic, in Trinidad-Tobago. Kenai, in Alaska. and Peru. A further plant is being built in Louisiana, Cheniere Sabine, Pass which is currently boasting of its expansion to a bi directional facility, meaning of course, that it currently only has facilities for importing gas, not exporting it

So, not quite fungible. Not nearly as much as petroleum.

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