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Submission + - Discovery of a mechanism that makes tumor cells sugar addicted (

FirephoxRising writes: For almost a hundred years ago is known that cancer cells feel a special appetite for a type of sugar called glucose. The tumor uses this molecule is like the gasoline which depends a sports car to burn faster and grows and multiplies rapidly. It is a little cash process from the energy point of view but allows a superaccelerated cancer cell division. It is what is known as the Warburg effect, which was described in 1927.
"The interesting part is to study whether future treatments that fight the tumor and also quit the energy source of the tumor cells, the tumor dies because it cannot easily be adapted to use other substrates for energy to survive," concludes Esteller.

Comment Re:AKA (Score 1) 99

Only locally. As for the bees, a small change could be very bad for us. Asian honey bees are undomesticatable, they do pollinate, but may be very hard to deal with in fields/gardens. There are so many insects that our controlling them in local areas will not be a large impact. I'd like to see this tech extended to rodents and pest birds. Insects and rodents eat more of our food than we do, one could argue that we have artificially inflated the population of many species. I think we have the right to locally defend our areas. I also think we need to reduce our population to about 4 billion.....

Comment Re:Not even close to the worst. (Score 0) 290

Er, it's pretty easy to drink 40 glasses of water over a week..... That's why I have a filter to block the F in my water. I brush with toothpaste and then SPIT IT OUT! Do not swallow F, it doesn't work to drink it and it may be harmful. F in water is an unmetered dose, they don't know how much you drink, concentration is not dosage. The CDC recommends against F water for those under 1 year. I'm also concerned about how f will concentrate in the food chain as it is added at all points in the production chain and then concentrated by cooking and processing.

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