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Journal Journal: For you GPS or Gadget Gurus Out There...

I thought I would expand the reach of my /. friend tmasssey's journal entry by reposting it here, since I figure one of you probably have some relevant experience with GPS solutions similar to the one desired here.

Respond in the original entry, please.

From the entry:

Life or Death for Tivo 284

CUShane writes "The Washington Post is running an article on the patent case between Tivo and EchoStar regarding Tivo's DVR technology. The article states that Tivo has a better than 70% chance of winning, while a loss would basically doom the company. Is there a possibility that the patent system is working right in this case?" From the article: "TiVo attorney Morgan Chu has been arguing in court that TiVo's inability to turn a profit, despite the popularity of its product, is partially because of EchoStar's infringing on its patent. TiVo co-founder Michael Ramsay testified that he showed EchoStar executives the TiVo product and pursued a licensing deal with them, but that a deal was never struck even though EchoStar began selling its own DVRs that used technology very similar to TiVo's."
User Journal

Journal Journal: As a fan... 5

...of ponies, I like the new April Fool's Day look. (Assuming that the splashes of green and lack of titles on Amigos pages were fixed.) But I am weird like that.

It is certainly nicer-looking than some of the other theme pages.

Can we keep it as an option? Perhaps :)


Journal Journal: Something Good 13

It's that time again. Just like last time, I ask you:

Tell me something good.

Preference is that you tell me something good in your life, but if you want to just say something good in general, that is fine as well. I like to read about the good going on in people's lives.


Journal Journal: On 'Real Jobs' 7

Hello everyone. How are you? I am great. I also have a lot to say, so if you aren't looking to read a lot, I suggest you skim through the subject headings for just those things that interest you, or skip this entry entirely. This entry is several pages long (four, I believe, actually) and so I apologize for the length; were this livejournal I would have used the cut feature.

TOPIC: They Clean Up My Messes and Call Me Sir (or Ma'am)


Journal Journal: Does anyone reading this still play Nationstates? 4

Does anyone reading this still play Nationstates? I have a region that could use some new members.
(Yeah, yeah. Call it lame, but the game takes me a minute to play, and it's not every day that one can safely refer to a populace as "my little playthings," Ms. Dragon excepted)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Update on my absence 12

Break down of events:

-I resigned from my job.
(EDIT: On good terms. We had a party the day I left, and my supervisor made me a shirt. It was difficult leaving, but I knew I would do so before I even started, and they knew so too. I will not, however, return to the same position, although I have no regrets of working there.)
-Left the east coast.
-I am back in school finishing one of my degrees.
(EDIT: As I knew I would, so this is not a case of my freaking


Journal Journal: A beautiful, but scary thing happened. 13

Let me preface this by saying that I think I have become addicted to walking/hiking. That said, it was pouring outside today and I, being antsy and wanting to visit my deer friends that I always, without fail, see on my walks, just had to go walking.

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