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Comment Re:PHP is great (Score 4, Insightful) 281

I'm currently developing in python after 7 years in the PHP world.

There are a lot of PHPisms I have grown accustomed to, that I would really like in PHP. Namely, I want var_dump.

PHP makes a lot of sense to me from the context of a kid who wrote awful raw HTML pages. I just wish we had a mode for PHP that wasn't "here's a pretend HTML page" for all sorts of backend logic. That's the only thing I want from python that isn't in PHP. WSGIServer is a boil on the ass of the python world.

Comment Re:One word summary. (Score 1) 1032

Depends on what your domain of knowledge is.

If you want to get a good grip on something like say, sociology, learning with and from people who understand the finer nuances of the subject matter are important.

Besides, it's not like being self-taught doesn't have it's own perils either.

I'm not discounting self-education. If you can self educate? Great! But there's value in formal education, and while I'd hire a programmer who was self taught, I'm not hiring a self-taught lawyer.

Comment Re:One word summary. (Score 1) 1032

Actually the idea that someone knows better than I do about how policy works is the basic idea behind representative Government.

Also, Government dependency claims are complete bullshit.

Very few of the people who are enough to qualify for SNAP or TANF or any other assistance sit there and go, "THIS IS GREAT! I don't have shit to do."

Do you know who the actual productive people are in this country? People at the bottom end of the spectrum. American productivity at lower and middle class levels are at insanely all time highs.

Also you're being extremely classist with your assertions about what it's like to be extremely poor. It's easy to take care of an apartment or a house when you've got money to burn on replacing the windows, fixing the walls and maintaining a domicile. It's much harder to do that when you've got no money and the Super doesn't give a shit.

The reason why poor students fail to take advantage of primary education is that life when you're poor *sucks.* It makes it hard to concentrate when your parents are fighting about the rent and no one's home to help out.

You don't fixing that problem by getting rid of the safety net. You fix that problem by making it less shitty to be poor. You're proposing we make it more shitty to be poor because fuck those poor people they're not thankful enough that we let them be poor.

Comment Re:One word summary. (Score 1) 1032

The only reason why this would happen isn't because of fiat currencies, it's because of poor Governance. It's not an inevitability that our financial system will collapse. Any system run by morons will collapse.

The problem is, is that we do need to spend more on things like infrastructure, including schools. Including higher education. These things are falling apart and wise spending now can pay off huge in the future.

We also need to raise taxes.

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