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Submission + - Colore - The IF-less programming framework (

An anonymous reader writes: What started as a hobby project about 5 years ago, now suddenly got a name...

While this framework was in development, it was always somewhat hard to explain what the use it exactly had; the few that did were always keen for the end result.

Now, the term IF-less programming got coined up for the problem of combining in essence procedural programming with objected-oriented programming.

This framework intends to provide a solution to circumvent this, by working around it and instead provide a dynamic and configurable way to map individual If-Else branches in metadata; complemented with Inversion of Control, Aspect Oriented Programming, Chain of Responsibility and the likes, this provides a solution and pattern that could be used across different languages and platforms.

Why bring all product to all the workers, when you can instead set up different factory lines for different "intents"/requests and have the request be handled in a neat procedural order?


Submission + - Oliver Stone: "The US has become an Orwellian State" (

dryriver writes: Americans are living in an Orwellian state argue Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick, as they sit down with RT to discuss US foreign policy and the Obama administration’s disregard for the rule of law. Both argue that Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and that people have forgiven him a lot because of the “nightmare of the Bush presidency that preceded him.” “He has taken all the Bush changes, he basically put them into the establishment, he has codified them,” Stone told RT. “It is an Orwellian state. It might not be oppressive on the surface, but there is no place to hide. Some part of you is going to end up in the database somewhere.” According to Kuznick, American citizens live in a fish tank where their government intercepts more than 1.7 billion messages a day. “That is email, telephone calls, other forms of communication.”

Submission + - UK law change to allow digital copying (

another random user writes: Making digital copies of music, films and other copyrighted material for personal use is to be made legal for the first time under government plans.

It has previously been illegal in the UK to rip songs from a CD to a digital player or transfer eBooks, music, films and games from one device to another.

Business Secretary Vince Cable said the move was "not only common sense but good business sense".

"Bringing the law into line with ordinary people's reasonable expectations will boost respect for copyright, on which our creative industries rely," he said.

"We feel we have struck the right balance between improving the way consumers benefit from copyright works they have legitimately paid for, boosting business opportunities and protecting the rights of creators."


Submission + - Atmospheric Vortex Engine creates tornadoes to generate electricity (

cylonlover writes: Tornadoes generally evoke the destructive force of nature at its most awesome. However, what if all that power could be harnessed to produce cheaper and more efficient electricity? This is just what Canadian engineer Louis Michaud proposes to achieve, with an invention dubbed the “Atmospheric Vortex Engine” (or AVE). It works by introducing warm air into a circular station, whereupon the difference in temperature between this heated air and the atmosphere above creates a vortex – or controlled tornado, which in turn drives multiple wind turbines in order to create electricity. The vortex could be shut down by simply turning off the source of warm air.

Michaud’s company, AVEtec Energy Corporation, reports that the system produces no carbon emissions, nor requires energy storage to function, and that further to this, the cost of energy generated could potentially be as low as US$0.03 per kilowatt hour.


Submission + - Juggling by the Numbers

theodp writes: The BBC News' Laura Gray reports on a juggling notation system developed in the 80's called Siteswap (aka Quantum Juggling and Cambridge Notation) and how it has helped jugglers discover and share thousands of new tricks. Frustrated that there was no way to write down juggling moves, mathematician Colin Wright and others helped devised Siteswap, which uses sequences of numbers to encode the number of beats of each throw, which is related to their height and the hand to which the throw is made. 'Siteswap has allowed jugglers to share tricks with each other without having to meet in person or film themselves,' says James Grime, juggling enthusiast and math instructor for Cambridge University. Still unclear on the concept? Spend some time playing around with Paul Klimek's most-excellent Quantum Juggling simulator, and you too can be a Flying Karamazov Brother!

Comment Re:TSA, terrorism, gun control, and mass shootings (Score 2) 354

The only thing that that video has to do with gun shows is that it was at gun shows that the "private collectors" sold their guns. Dealers are required to get a federal background check. Private collectors are not required to do a background check before selling a gun. A private collector can sell you a gun with or without a gun show. Meaning that this is not a "gun show" loophole. This is simply the right of a property owner to sell his or her property.

But your average Texan isn't half as smart as he thinks he is.

Your average Texan thinks that he is at least 4 times smarter than everyone else. So, even if we are only half as smart as we think we are, we are still twice as smart as everyone else. ;)

Comment Re:Modern Shunning (Score 2) 354

It is hard to "demand" invasive practices if you can not find any one will to do them. Furthermore, as to the idea that the wrong employees will be the ones who stay, I say let them then sew the TSA for every time their employees get out of line. We the people have the power to fix this problem, but we are too cowardly and affraid of our own government. :(

Comment Re:TSA, terrorism, gun control, and mass shootings (Score 2) 354

What exactly is this "gun show loophole"? I have gone to many gun shows, and I can tell you first hand that all dealers at gun shows will still require you to do a federal background check just like when you buy a gun at a store. Private citicens might be able to sell you a gun without a background check, but that can happen with or with out a gun show.
As a Texas resident, I can assure you that the opinion of what constitutes a "retarded" state is exactly the oposite here. It is most likely just a cultural difference, however when you compare the actual crime rates the differences are only a fraction of a percent between Texas and New York. This would seem to indicate that criminals will be criminals with or with out strict gun laws. I personal would rather have the ability to defend myself if I ever had the need.

Comment Re:Evolution? (Score 1) 119

it encoded the knowledge into its genes.

If it is a learned behaviour then it can not be "encoded ... into its genes". Some spider species care for their young. I do not know about this species in particular, but it is posible that the knowledge could be passed from one generation to the next through example. At any rate, this is either instinctual, a sign of generational (cultural) learning, or a demonstration of the intellect (reasoning skills) of these spiders. All the comments on this forum about how this is a sign of the wonders of evolution are simply wrong. It would be like saying that we are evolving everytime we create a new type of transportation.

Comment Re:Do away with the fines. (Score 2) 286

I was typing in a hurry. Thank you for taking the time to proof read my comment for me. In truth I have the day off and was enjoying "The Last Command: Star Wars (The Thrawn Trilogy)" and wanted to get back to enjoying my book. Leia has just figured out that Luke and Mara are in trouble because C'baoth is hidden in the mountain surounded by ysalamiri.
Any way, its a great old book, and I have better things to do than to worry about spelling on an internet forrum. Besides, I do not have to worry about spelling when I have "Anonymous Cowards" to check it for me. ;)

Comment Do away with the fines. (Score 2, Insightful) 286

Speding fines are nothing more than a tax. If we realy cared about the safety of drivers on the road then speeding violations should be delt with using some kind of points system that will eventualy suspend your licence for a while. Instead we have a tax that encintivises harrassments of good citicens by cops. I have seen in many areas where city limits are extended for miles outside of any reasonable resemblence of a city just so the city can garner extra funds from speeding tickets. The use of financial punishment for these sorts of violations only leads to a more controling and harrassing atmosphere from those who reciave the funds (ie our local governments).

Comment Re:Careful you don't run afoul (Score 1) 299

The right to bear arms has a lot less to do with hunting and personal defence, as it has to do with keeping an opressive government at bay. Of course, none of the weapons that we are allowed to have come close to what our modern millitary posesses. Even though, I do not want my neighbor to own a nuke, there should be a limit to the quantity of any certain type of weapon that the millitary can have, and after that quantity is reached then non millitary people should be allowed to purchase them. This would have the added benifit of giveing the millitary a natural incintive to limit the quantity of nukes and icbm's that they possess.

Comment Re:hey zionist! (Score 1) 569

2000 years. Are you certain?

I seem to remember that there was something called Rome 2000 years ago. Muhammad was born @ 570ad. It was in the 7th century ad when militant Islam spread into the area that was before and is now known as Israel. The Dome on the Rock, built in the latter part of the 7th century, was arrogantly established on the Jewish temple mount. Though, I admit that the islamic palestinians have lived there for multiple generations, there is no need to exagerate their history in a lame attemp to make a point.

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