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Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

You'd rather be shot dead with a gun than hit with a cricket bat? You're a loony.

No, but since criminals already have guns, I'd rather shoot back.

In a fight, I'd rather take my chances against someone with a bat than a gun. And, no, I don't want to walk around armed all the time myself, thank you very much.

Well, you're free to do so. You shouldn't make me take the chances you want to take, though. If you don't want to be armed, don't be. I will still carry my pistol, and I'm still going to use it if it is needed. Be sure to tell me how it goes if you ever get attacked by multiple assailants.

Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

You only need guns to defend yourself when (a) everyone else has guns and (b) civilisation has collapsed.

No, not really. A group of men trying to rape my wife are going to get shot, whether armed or not. A thief that breaks into my house will be shot, armed or not, and any group of punks that threatens me with a knife or any other object that might harm me is going to get shot. I don't need them to be armed to defend myself with deadly force. The point is taking the advantage. I'm not about making this a fair fight.

Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

I was referring to the AR-15, as the gun you want to outlaw. You're not going to get killed by one, as for France, who the hell cares? They're not exactly a model to follow. They also force you to disclose encryption keys because you "might be a pedo." So excuse me if I don't think of France as the model nation.

Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

Oh, I see... you don't register every car you buy?

Only if you drive it in public roads.

Though I do like where you are going with that - require someone to take a gun safety class/test before owning a firearm (renewable periodically). Good idea!

Funny, they don't seem to require that to purchase a car. So no, not a good idea. If you're going to carry, though. I agree take a class, and get a license. The government has the right to regulate that when in public, but stay out of my house and what I own.

Seriously? That's the POINT of background checks! What do you think, the seller should just ask the buyer, "hey, are you a felon?" I'm sure that will work...

Sellers already do background checks. Private sales are different, and yes if you are caught selling to a felon, that's a crime. A lot of people do background checks to protect themselves. In either case, criminals sell to each other, and that isn't going to change. Guess what? That's where they get their illegal guns, not gun shows as some people would have you believe.

It may be illegal for a felon to have a firearm, but to be a felon they were already convicted so a lot of good that does...

Well, the thing about that is that it's at least fair. If you've proven you aren't responsible, you should be punished when you try to acquire an item that we know you are not responsible with. You shouldn't be punishing me for what I may do. That's just policing thoughtcrime.

Current security mechanisms are another topic, but I sure as hell support airport security in general.

And I support enforcement of gun laws already on the books. I don't see why I should limit myself for the sake of "security" seeing as I'm not the problem, though.

No, it's not illegal for a "criminal" to have a firearm - that is, unless it's unregistered and that person lives in a place where registration is required!

But it is illegal. If you are committing a crime, which is at the point that you become a criminal, it is another crime to have a gun with you. So yes, it is illegal, and will give harsher punishments.

Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

That is a horrible argument. With that same logic we shouldn't bother with driver's exams or licenses, either, we should allow 13 year olds to buy all of the alcohol and cigarettes they want, and forget any security checks at airports, they are terribly inconvenient for those who aren't trying to hijack a plane.

No, what you are suggesting is having a driver's exam every time you buy a car, borrow, or rent. That's the kind of idiotic thing you are suggesting. As for allowing 13 year olds to buy alcohol and cigarettes, well that's already illegal, we don't require background checks to give one to your friend or spouse. You'll notice that selling to criminals is a crime, and a felon having a firearm is also a crime. As for airport security, well I don't like to be groped or have nude images of me or my wife taken, but I don't know about your tastes. I would rather not.

Law enforcement. That's their job. But only if you actually make it illegal first, duh.

Strange, I could have sworn that criminals having firearms was already illegal. I wonder why the police haven't stopped it. Oh, right because they can't. Maybe if we make it ban it harder it will work, though how you do that is anyone's guess.

Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

That seems like circular logic to me: You're saying that the only people who can argue about whether people should own guns are people who have already decided to own a gun. It's sort of like saying that the only people who can hold a legitimate opinion about the divinity of Jesus are Christians.

No, what it means is that you have no idea what you're arguing about, or why certain firearms are preferred over others. So how in the world, would you know what restrictions do or do not make sense? You don't, because you haven't bothered to study the problem. This would be more akin to letting a creationist be the head of the Texas Board of Education.

Nothing except proper police work, you mean.

Then why is that not good enough now? Oh, right because they don't enforce the law to begin with. This regulation only works for people that submit to it, not criminals.

The government has a clear interest in preventing its citizens from being murdered. Knowing who has large supplies of firearms with large capacity magazines would seem like it might help in that endeavor.

Except that "large capacity magazines" as you seem hell-bent on calling them are not a problem, and they don't get used in murders. And when is the last time criminals registered their stolen firearms? Never, that's when. The government can come and search my house anytime they like if they get a proper warrant. They have no business knowing otherwise. I remember that people on this very site were angry that India would demand the decryption of cellphones, but it's only a violation of privacy when it's something you like, and reasonable when you don't. I didn't murder anyone, nor do I plan to. Leave me and others like me alone.

Comment Re:The Stupidity, It Hurts! (Score 1) 1006

Actually it only says that there are restrictions to dangerous and unusual weapons. The AR series are neither unusual or dangerous. Furthermore, the case of United States v. Miller states that the second amendment protects the right to weapons in common use by a militia. Seeing as how the organized militia, the National Guard, has access to not only the AR series, but the M16 variant, I'd say that we have a bit of regulation to do away with. Now had we been arguing about RPGs, or mortar shells, you'd have been right, but you're not. Maybe try reading the court cases next time.

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