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Comment Re:Yes. What do you lose? But talk to lawyer first (Score 1) 734

Minor tax issues?!

You have to file income tax on both ends, your country of residence, and the US for the rest of your life. I hated that red tape.

The US is the only country that takes the stance that all your world wide income no matter where it is generated has to be declared, and is going to be taxed by the IRS.

Yes, there are double taxation agreements, but if you make a lot of money you are screwed.

Many banks outside the US these days won't even service Americans because they have to report all account details to the IRS, an extra workload that they are not interested in taking on, especially since it exposes them legally to US laws.

All of the above also applies to green card holders. Which is why I gave mine back. Not so easy to get out of citizenship. You have to pay hefty fines that seem to get hiked up regularly if you want to hand in your passport.

Sorry folks, but your government seems to think it owns you.

Comment Re:Jerri (Score 1) 533

The US won against Germany and Japan while obeying the Geneva convention. Japan did expressly not, Germany at least to some extend.

The US did not obey the Geneva convention at Abu Ghraib.

Not playing by the rules worked out just swimmingly for you, didn't it?

Now for the first time the US finally faces an enemy that really makes America good look in comparison. And they are also morons that can be easily defeated.

But no ... for America's learning challenged winning the heart and minds is never an option, even in a beauty contest with barbarians from the 9th circle of hell.

Comment Re:not the first time (Score 1) 136

True, the heuristic for quantum chemistry like DFT are pretty good but that only takes you so far. Statistical physics with the particle model is much easier but then you miss all the emergent phenomena of collective quantum dynamics like superconductivity.

That's why I am excited about quantum computing. Recent research from the ETHZ group of Mathias Troyer have shown that quantum chemistry will already greatly benefit from even modest quantum computing resources (unlike Shor's algorithm which is pretty useless unless you are with the NSA).

Comment Colin Powell on Iraq in summer 2002 (Score 1) 533

Well, you broke it and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Doesn't matter that the bleeding heart left just wants to be left alone, and the hard right just wants to blame Obama.

The rest of the world doesnt give a f*** about these internal squabbles.

The US broke it, you own it.

It's not like you haven't been warned.

Comment Oh look they are making massive water particles! (Score 1) 136

What another groan worthy /. summary. It's not the standing waves that equate to photons. The only thing photonic here is the quantum exchange between the light field and the electrons used for imaging.

And no, you don't need to have several PhDs to understand this, reading the articles at the links totally suffices.

Comment Re:Marketing (Score 1) 99

Marketing also encompasses requirement gathering i.e. understanding what the market needs. Especially for the fast moving software industry it is a core business process and about much more than just advertising and branding.

Comment The convoluted concept doesn't help (Score 2) 99

Watson was impressive on Jeopardy, but a TV show is a very different venue than business data analytics.

For the latter you really need a statistically sound approach in order to reach the right conclusion.

(DISCLAIMER: I do not work for Bayesia, but actually a competitor, yet any person or company that understand Bayesianism as a sound foundation for knowledge inference knows this dirty little secret about Watson)

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