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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 26 declined, 8 accepted (34 total, 23.53% accepted)


Submission + - Free Coursware on Quantum Computing (

quax writes: Michael Nielsen who co-authored THE book on Quantum Computing released a set of short video lectures on his blog this summer (link to Google cache). They are modeled after the Khan academy and make a great introduction to the subject. But here's the catch: Due to other work responsibilities he stopped short of completing the course, and will only complete it if he sees enough interest in the videos. C'mon slashdot! Let's show him some numbers.

Submission + - Michael Nielsen's Free Video Courseware on Quantum (

quax writes: "Michael Nielsen who co-authored THE book on Quantum Computing released a set of short video lectures on his blog this summer (link to Google cache). They make a great introduction to the subject. But here's the catch: Due to other work responsibilities he stopped short of completing the course, and will only complete it if he sees enough interest in the videos. C'mon slashdot! Let's show him some numbers."

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