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Comment Re:Asimov already covered this... (Score 1) 285

A film based on a title by Isaac Asimov

Not even that. Just a film with a title by Isaac Asimov pasted on it. The screenplay was already written (the name at that point was "Hardwired") when they decided to buy the title. They changed a few of names to match characters in the book and pasted in a nod to the Three Laws of Robotics. Done!

Comment Re:No human can pass that test (Score 1) 285

Well, no human alive today in any case. All so-called "original" works produced today are derivatives of older works (Shakespeare, folklore, etc)

If you think Shakespeare was original, you are sadly deluded. Just about all of his plots can be traced back to other sources, from which he often lifted them virtually intact. What elevated Shakespeare wasn't the originality of his stories, but the way he told them.

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 346

Most people use Google mail by simply accessing Google's servers via web. Since the email is stored on Google's own server, they can delete it. Now, if it had been *me*, they'd have been SOL, because I have all my Google mail forwarded to my private IMAP server, and it's out of Google's hands. But the average Gmail user, yeah, Google would be able to kill the mail.

Comment Re:Use Paper (Score 1) 143

I've never encountered any sort of computer drawing tool that wasn't excrutiatingly painful when compared to paper and something pencil-like.

From which I can infer you've never used a really decent graphics tablet + stylus. It's the standard tool of the many, many artists who have given up physical media to go digital. Of course, it's not a convenient thing for everybody to use in a meeting.

Comment Re:Why can't (Score 3, Insightful) 349

Bandwidth isn't like water or electricity. You either use it in the moment or don't. You can't save it for later.

So, you don't have caches in your world?

It's really about data, not bandwidth. Just like your utilities connection is about water or electricity, not pipes or wires.

In fact, that's what this *article* is about--the TV should've saved data for later, but didn't.

Comment Re:Question... -- ? (Score 4, Informative) 215

Can someone explain to me why all these program manpage references have e.g. "(1)" after them?

It's the manpage section. Section 1 is general commands, for example, while section 3 is library calls. Thus, if you want to see the man page for the printf command, you can say "man 1 printf", while if you want to see the man page for the printf system call, you can say "man 3 printf".

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