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Comment Re:I don't get fiber (Score 1) 241

Now I get a 10x1Mb connection . . . and even I think going any faster would be pointless.

No one will ever need more than 640K.

If you build it, they will come.

Look, you may not need 100 or 1000 Mbps now. But what about when you want to stream 3D content? Or what if we start streaming lossless J2K videos, instead of the super compressed HD video you get now? The point of the Google "experiment" is to see what is possible when this type of bandwidth is available. They are trying to bypass the chicken/egg problem. On the other hand, it's not likely that such a small scale deployment will spur any of the large scale investment that will really take advantage of that bandwidth, as such an investment would need a whole country (or at least state) of consumers to make it worthwhile.

Comment Re:FS (Score 1) 282

Except for republican and democratic campaign coordinators... that's real fucking scary...

I've been fielding spam calls from my university, veteran's groups, the police, all asking for a handout. I think I can handle the D/RNC.

Comment Re:get a real car (Score 1) 309

Not exactly. An automatic transmission is a *requirement* for some drivers, so there is no upgrade/downgrade about it.

Yeah. Think about it this way. An automatic is like a GUI and an automatic is like a CLI.

Oh shit, I'm doing this backwards, aren't I.

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