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Comment Re:Another fossil fuel? (Score 1) 320

If we're talking of nitrogen fixation from the air, then here is the low down. yes, the most used (currently) process uses methane. The methane can be form natural gas (usually cheaper) or from other sources, such as fermentation of decaying organic matter (a renewable resource). There are alternative processes for generating "fixed" nitrogen from air, but they use a lot of electricity (which again can be generated from renewable sources).

Or you can replenish the nitrogen in the soil the natural way, by growing beans. A lot of beans. Beans use nitrifying bacteria to generate fixed nitrogen in the soil. Beans also have the side advantage of generating intestinal gases (which are another source of methane - see? Full circle)

Comment What could possibly go wrong? (Score 1) 386

Seriously. Irradiating people without their knowledge - what could possibly go wrong? Including children.

There are scientists who are concerned that the govt guys have their numbers on safety wrong - in fact they have the right numbers but they are interpreting them wrongly. Take the backscatter X-ray approach for instance. The total radiation dose divided by the total body volume is low - however in fact that's not true. Because the radiation doesn't penetrate the whole body, its energy gets dispersed only in a few millimeters at the surface of the body - and in those few millimeters, the volume dose is hundreds of times higher than what the govt says is safe.

Skin cancer anyone?

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