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Comment Does that mean that AV1 is not buggy anymore? (Score 1) 28

When I last tried to use the AV1 codec, about a year and a half ago, I found quickly a showstopper bug that would result in unusable output, and contacted the developers. I ran the tests they required and sent the results back, it was acknowledged as a bug and then... nothing happened. I followed any updates on that for many months and nothing. Does this mean that the finally got around to make it actually working?

Comment Gallium is corrosive, though (Score 5, Interesting) 20

Gallium has a tendency to infiltrate itself in the crystal lattice of other metals and cause embrittlement and corrosion by weakening the bonds between the other metal's microcrystals. Which leads to the other metal disintegrating into a powder. Most metals are susceptible to that action.

Also it wets most other, non-metallic materials and wicks into them if they have any porosity at all, creeping up walls by capillary action and having a tendency to escape most systems that would contain other liquids.

Finding a way to keep the gallium-platinum alloy contained in a way that it can still perform its catalytic action without causing any damage will be quite challenging.

Comment The protondb is flawed (Score 1) 83

One of the games I own is shown as "bronze" i.e. "runs with issues". However, on several systems I have tried it on, it does not run at all. Doesn't even start.
Yes it's one example only, but that database is not reliable as it's comprised of - in many cases - the individual experiences of 1-2 people, and often those experiences are several years old and not reproducible in the present state of Proton.

Comment Re:"Some Fans React Negatively" (Score 1) 99


I would expect there would be a lot of Star Wars fans who react negatively to the Disney-ification of Star Wars. I mean, you can practically tell who's been an old school fan versus a new one by looking at the reactions to the last 3 films.

Umh, what do you mean? There were only 3 Star Wars movies ever made. :)

Comment Re:outdated linux kernel... (Score 1) 74

Depends on how you define "outdated Linux kernel". If that means "any kernel which is not the latest in the Linux git tree" then most if not all Linux distributions are culpable. Because unless they download, compile and distribute nightly the latest git kernel, all will be at least a few revisions behind.

And no, I'm not advocating for the nightly compiles either, because in-house testing for compatibility, stability and security is a thing. My distribution is currently on 5.10.46 and that is fine with me.

Comment The real news (Score 3, Interesting) 128 that they found a way to make mycelium durable. Yes, fungal mycelium can have strength and feel like leather. The other thing it does is rot extremely fast - turns into goo in a matter of days. They must have found a procedure analog to leather tanning to prevent that from happening.

Comment AV1 not quite ready (Score 2) 59

In my direct experience, AV1 is not quite ready yet. It still has some major issues with encoding content correctly. And even more major issues doing it with multithreading. But since the rolling out of it will be only with a decoding purpose, consumers should not be affected by that since AFAIK the decoding part works correctly. It's only the content providers who will have to struggle getting their content encoded correctly.

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