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Comment Re:title is wrong (Score 1) 237

My plan is coming together nicely. Now with him out of the way, nobody can beat me.

Seriously, if I was going to set someone up, this is likely how I would do it. Its sort of like a cop throwing a weapon on the guy he just shot.

What they should have done was turned the sound up and watch for him to go in then listen from the next stall. If they heard the phone, call the number and ask him to step out of the stall.

Comment Re:Why is it even a discussion? (Score 1) 441

It was political whim. The FCC has never taken the position other than internet was information services or the equivalent. They have looked at it and took that position since the 1970s- until recently.

Surprisingly, in order for the FCC to defend any challenges to the move, They will have to explain why every version of it before got it wrong and how at least two of reports on universal access was wrong in their determination that congress did not intend the internet to be regulated and how congress copied their determination from the computers II working paper.

Comment Re:Why is it even a discussion? (Score 1) 441

Lol.. bad laws, abuses of authority but you see no problem because the outcome is something you want. Of course you feel the same way about the NSA spying because they are doing their jobs using the tools they were given. But wait - isn't there a constitutional thing in all this? That's right, in both situations. One giving congress the power to create law and the other restricting unreasonable searches.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, this review process is part of the tools congress gave the FCC. I don't see how you can object to that. In fact, the FCC was even warned about it before they acted.

Comment Re:Why is it even a discussion? (Score 2, Insightful) 441

Because there is a principle involved where a government agency has reversed a position it has held since the 1970s and without any congressional interaction changed regulation and basically confiscated large portions of the economy for the political whims of some. Its not necessarily what happened but how it happened.

Comment Re:Why is it even a discussion? (Score 2) 441

I'm not against net neutrality but I am against the way it happened and all the restrictions with it.

Here you have a government agency who completely reversed their position on the internet being an information services not subject to title II regulation that they have held since the 1970s and in effect creating regulation with the effect of legislation without any input or action from the only constitutionally approved processes or elected representatives. I don't care who you are, that should scare the hell out of anyone whether they support net neutrality or not. Well at least if democracy is in any way important.

Comment Re:Budget running dry? (Score 1) 99

You seem to be disconnected from reality a bit. Not all states are cutting taxes and the federal government is deficit spending. This means that A) most states can spend more but decided the amount was adequate, and B) the federal government doesn't see any need to change this unless they want something specific to be done and then they will only fund part of it while forcing the state to pick up the rest.

Education funding is where society decided it needs to be. Even most school levees that fail is because people either think it is unnecessary or know that despite the claimed need, the extra funds will end up being used for increasing administration salaries. The latter happened in a town near me and they haven't passed a levee in the 10 years since.

Comment Re:Hell No Hillary (Score 1) 676

I guess when Kerry and Jeb or even Powell tries to hide information sought by congress or even gives the hint of it, we can call it a moral equivalent. Btw, i guess that the law people are thinking might have been violated wasn't passed when powell was in and doesn't apply to Jeb. Its not as clear cut as you pretend although you may ultimately be correct.

Comment Re:Hell No Hillary (Score 1) 676

Huh? Where have you been?

The state department was stonewalling congress when they requested emails from the secretary of state surrounding Benghazi and finally admitted they didn't have them for some reason. Mrs Clinton then disclosed she used a private email address on her home server to do all her state business because it was too cumbersome to have more than one device or email to check.

Here is something about how even Obama knew about it. This isn't disputed territory, it's just questioned to the legality and motives.

Comment Re: Everyone loves taxes (Score 1) 173

How is that a "but"? Did you possibly misread? I said 4th power, not 4x as much. At 4x the per-mile tax rate, a 18-wheeler is still only paying for 1/2400 of it's proportional share of road wear and tear costs. And yes, standing, starting and stopping does damage to the roads. And it does much more damage when you're talking about commercial vehicle. No, restricting roads to lightwieght personal vehicles wouldn't make them last forever, but they would last much longer.

No, I didn't misread, I dismissed your claim altogether as it is unnecessary. Did you misread that?

As for waste, I made no comment whatsoever in regards to it - and neither did you in the comment that I replied to.

I know you didn't mention it which is why I said you ignore it. But I'm pretty clear the comment I made which you replied does in fact mention it. In case reading comprehension is not a strong point or perhaps English is a second language "the money is diluted and used for none road uses like state pensions, mandatory union scale wages, bike paths and residential roads that trucks are never allowed to drive on any ways" is what was said regarding it.

Perhaps I'm the one with the comprehension problem and simply do not see your point the way you wish to express it.

Yes they do, if you're looking at dollars per mile, but if you look instead at dollars per amount of damage they do, as would reasonably be charged by private toll roads, they pay far, far less.

No.. Private toll roads operate in a similar structure to fuel taxes in that they charge more for lighter vehicles and less for larger vehicles than the amount of damage caused by each. I've driven on them before with 5 axle vehicles and while it's quite a bit more expensive than a car, it is still not proportionate as you describe. It's also not far less either.

Comment Re: Everyone loves taxes (Score 2) 173

You must have grown up a long time ago, in a school district far away. Today teachers have to buy their own supplies, out of their own personal funds.

I grew up in the 70's and early 80's.

Of course I'm not sure what you are trying to get at with the rest of your post. Are you suggesting that every school district within the United States is government by the same loons as one or two school districts in a specific state? Do you realize that it is the state's job to fund schools and often the local political subdivisions do it through property taxes. Do you realize that school districts and even city wide schools are not the same even in the same states or county within that state?

Of course I'm left wondering if this has anything to do with your first linked story.

Your second link is even more interesting. There you present a teacher who is crying that because he wants to run outside the box and accepted lesson plans, he has to purchase supplies to do so on his own. Sure it would be nice if everything was free, but it's sort of his own doing there.

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