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Comment Re:Piracy is... (Score 1) 284

that's kind of the point. "piracy" is a term loaded with negative connotations. "copyright infringement" isn't. That's why those who wish to increase penalties for infringement like to use the term "piracy"; it whips up more outrage. But many people don't feel that the act of copyright infringement for personal use deserves that much approbation, and therefore the term "piracy" is not appropriate.

Comment Re:Gut flora (Score 2) 152

I'm sure that has some effect, although intuitively it seems likely that unless your diet is _really_ weird (I mean you're actively avoiding some element that some strain of flora needs but you don't), any strain of gut flora is going to be able to find enough food in your food to keep afloat. Oral antibiotics, on the other hand, are at their most concentrated when the intestinal flora encounter them, and given what we've already seen in terms of resistant bacteria in the wild, they could easily weaken one strain to a level where other, more resistant strains can take over the territory. And if that other strain is one that converts hard-to-absorb calories (like complex carbs) into easy-to-absorb calories (like sugar), well, suddenly you may be getting a bunch more usable calories from the same amount of food and seeing your weight start climbing when you haven't changed behavior.

Comment Re: Lift the gag order first... (Score 1) 550

If that's what it takes, yes. I'd prefer one line that carries the stuff and N suppliers who can each feed into that line at my request, but no way you're going to get Comcast to share the wire, and no way you're going to get anyone else to buy it from Comcast and share it, so yeah, I'll take more than one wire.

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