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Comment Re:Skeptics and Deniers (Score 1) 719

Equating someone who is as you call it a "True Believer" with a denier is a logical fallacy. A True Believer believes in the scientific process, the scientific establishment, peer review, outside review, etc. There is every reason to believe in those things because they all require expertise and experience and are tested. A denier rejects all of these things outright relying on nothing except their own hubris that somehow they in their ignorance know better than everyone else who is qualified and experienced. Being a True Believer is logical and common sense. Being a denier is idiotic and illogical.

Comment Hope it works out for them... (Score 0) 52

getting a storefront property in Palo Alto on University Ave was an expensive investment. From what I hear, they aren't doing very well, having to come out with their own competition in the form of a lower-model bot 1/20th the cost of their original bot. There's just a lot of competition driving the whole industry down.

Comment Re:$58 a barrel (Score 0) 401

Actually this is good for Venezuela because the kind of oil they export didn't fall that much comparatively, whereas what they import did. I'm glad because although they say stupid things about America, what they are trying to do for their citizens is right on the money. We could use a little of that populism here too, although I am sure you will keep voting against your interests with the Republicunts because you think you are a part of their club.

Comment Weasels (Score 0) 135

Why are so many companies infested with weasels that come up with things like this which they know are wrong and evil, that they only dare to do because they think that nobody will notice? How many weasels does your company employ?

Perhaps companies should make all employees undergo psychological testing to root out these pathological personality types and make sure their actions are monitored.

Comment Re:intelligent non-human life (Score 0) 334

This doesn't sound absurd to me at all, it makes total sense. I want to evolve, and have been trying to, but it's so very hard to have faith, an expansive kind of faith that allows for someone so much more or different than "I". Frankly, it messes with my mental health, and I wonder often about what the heck I'm doing and thinking, and become very disheartened.

Confucianism has an example in it that I think should apply. It is where when two people meet, both people bow to a certain depth to the other. But one does not bow because one _expects_ the other to bow, but bows in anticipation of the other bowing, and in so doing, both bow in unison and to the same degree, and mutual respect and trust is established.

I feel like I'm bowing, and I don't want to expect anything, but I wonder what I'm doing wrong that I'm bowing all by myself.

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