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Comment Re:Nuclear plants don't like sudden shutdowns (Score 1) 311

Emergency shutdown means the reactor can be restarted in "a couple of weeks"

When we had that massive power outage around the great lakes a few years back due to the transmission line issue. Bruce Nuclear here in Ontario did an emergency shutdown. It was back up and running in 8 hours after the initial outage.

Comment Re:The Once and Mighty Slashdot (Score 2) 240

It's still amusing given how pointless and little-read "gaming journalism" really is. The GGers, the anti-GGers, and the gaming journalists all think that anything other than a small percentage of people who play games actually listens to any of their nonsense.

Considering that GG has done nothing but expand over the last 6mo, it does seem that people are listening to and paying attention to it. Then again, if you have any passing desire for people who report on things, to act in a ethical and objective manner it matters to you. Otherwise I'm sure you're quite happy with kotaku or gawker brand click-bait telling you how you're a terrorist for playing video games.

Comment Re:The Once and Mighty Slashdot (Score 2) 240

And don't get me wrong, GamerGate is one of the silliest things I've heard about in a while.

It's only silly until you realize exactly how corrupt "gaming journalism" actually is. After all, who would want the media to not be full of people who are shilling for people they're banging/living with/or are friends with. Even the MSM has long figured out how to recuse themselves from topics they're too close to.

Comment Re:It was... (Score 2) 78

Congrats on being one of the useful idiots still distracted by the political circus. Keep playing that party ticket!

The only useful idiot is yourself. Otherwise, you'd be right there calling the bullshit, bullshit instead of hiding and going "oh-boo-hoo."

Comment Re: WTF (Score 1) 297

I am vaguely amused that the good old Grope and Flail is now considered communist left. I mean, seriously?

It has been for about 5-6 years now after they changed their editorial direction. They thought they saw the path of politics going left, and followed TorStar the hemorrhaging of subs didn't stop though, it accelerated.

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