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Comment Re:BREAKING: Scientists Discover Preferences... (Score 1) 215

You're suggesting 99% of scientists are biased the same way and that's partisan? Idiot.

Considering that you even use 99% as a basis for your argument shows that you have no idea that the entire "99%" bit is spin-city. After all if you believe that 73 people contribute "all scientists" then you deserve to be mislead.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 251

Canadian faggots have no place in this discussion. He is correct, this isn't Holder, this is bigger than him.

Always nice to see the "compassionate" and "open mindedness" of liberals on display. And funny we do, especially since our biggest trading partner is the US. And no he isn't correct, shall we count the ways with the various scandals directly involved in the DoJ in the last 6 years that were beyond the excess of the previous administration in terms of core and mulch-sectional violations of the law?

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 251

Should I point out your ignorance now, when I tell you that I'm Canadian, was born there. And even I can see when someone is more corrupt then a previous administration? Right. Just remember he may have said that, but in turn didn't "act on it" like this current government is.

I'll take your apology now.

Comment Re:And? (Score 0) 251

It won't stop until the DoJ actually starts handing out serious penalties instead of a slap on the wrist for this sort of behavior. I'm talking jail time.

You're making this statement about the most corrupt DoJ in the history of the US right. You want me to start laughing, or simply roll over and laugh? It won't stop until states refuse to pay attention to the DoJ and relegate it to the back room forcing in reforms.

Comment Re:I've seen it. (Score 4, Interesting) 51

Seen the same thing here in Canada, also the land of a few hours of sunlight in the winter. And yep, lack-of-sun depression is far more common here as well. Few years ago, they ramped up the "take D3 supplements" and the winter depression bit does seem to be dropping off slightly.

Comment Re: Good! (Score 1) 619

So sales tax and property tax sum tohalf to ur net after income tax. Nit of a stretch dont ya say, who do expect to recruit based on obvious lies

Let's see last year was: 31k in federal taxes(plus 3k in capital gains taxes - totaling 34k), 14k in property taxes, ~4k in "adjusted" provincial taxes.

Yep, so obvious that not all of us live in the centre of the universe(toronto) and pay an assload more in property taxes than they do. Don't you just love MPAC?

Comment Re:No winners economically (Score 1) 268

That's extremely short-sighted. Eventually the economy wins because we have less of the pollution and other environmental damage from coal.

HAIL! And good greetings from the province of Ontairo! The land where we just finished taking our coal power plants offline, blew $1B not to build new gas plants because NIMBY's threw a fit. And pay anywhere between 40c/KwH to 83c/KwH to "green energy producers" to not produce electricity! This has driven up the cost of energy here by quite a bit, going by the latest projections we'll be paying upwards of 16c/KwH in the next few years. Enjoy those dreams of cheap electricity, because the businesses are fuckin' fleeing from here and the economy is dying.

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