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Comment Re:So this means... (Score 1) 214

What he can't study is the that impact unlimited file sharing would have on major studio pictures. All he can say is that restricting piracy to only those people who are willing to make the extra effort and take the (albeit) small risk has the double benefit of stirring up some interest while still encouraging most people to pay.

Why not? Let's look at the game industry, we've see no shortage of indie dev's leaking their own games on P2P networks, and seeing a massive boom in sales because of it. There's several cases where dev's who were console only were barely surviving, went to PC's, dumped a copy online and they cleared in 3-4 days what had made in 1 year period on consoles.

Comment Re:Not me... (Score 1) 753

Don't worry, using your eye for biometrics is a bad idea. Some people with diseases such as diabetes or have migraines would require them to update it on a weekly basis if not more. They're more likely to use finger prints which can be fooled by using gummie bears.

Comment Re:Subject bait (Score 1) 379

Used to be in Israel you could get them directly from Israel Railways Company(state owned) right from the rail yard, that was 13+ years ago doubt you still can. But they could probably point you in the right direction. Here in the Americas, either your local building company or right from a rail company themselves. I used to buy them here in Ontario from the local CN dispatch office where the guys who did repairs worked. If you wanted more than half a dozen ties, they'd order them in for you. They were about half the cost of buying them anywhere else.

Comment Re:Wait a minute... (Score 1) 162

Probably because they don't like the depressive effect of it, same reason why there's a huge demand for ultram(pure tramadol) on the black market as well. I've taken a lot of stuff for pain control, sadly doctors still believe that tramadol has a "less addictive effect" than other opiates. The downside to not taking it when you've been on it a long time is serotonin withdrawal, and that just sucks.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 502

You could have just said "I'm, a pretensions audiophile!'*
Unless you have a high end speaker and map system, yes on board IS good enough.
Also, I high end system needs a game that uses it as well

You mean I could have said, most people don't know what they're actually talking about, yourself included. Well that's okay, after all who doesn't enjoy poorer quality onboard sound where you get intermittent channel drops due to software locking IRQ and DMA channels; or enjoy the gloriousness of it causing BSoD's. It has gotten better, but it's sure not anywhere near "good enough." If it was, I still wouldn't be using a XonarDG.

Comment Re:Recent allegations... (Score 1) 210

So you're saying that modifying game files and building a custom game patch in order to enable the settings isn't modding. But rather tweaking. Well if that's the case then everyone should be able to do it with no problem at all right? Oh they can't? Well what's the reason behind that, oh right it's because this is beyond the technical level of most people. See this is the difference between a basic "tweak" where files are easily accessible and modding where you're "modifying" files in order to change what's accessible/enabled/available.

If it was purely tweaking, this would be more akin to editing .ini files in say oblivion/skyrim/etc, it's not that however.

Comment Re:No. (Score 0) 502

Onboard sound is finally Good Enough*, and has been Good Enough* for a long time now.

Let me start with a hardy fuck you soundblaster though, and finish by saying that "onboard" still isn't good enough. The majority of chipsets out there use realtek based sound solutions. In turn the drivers used are straight out of the gate realtek, with no polish. If you're lucky, the company who has them on their board might slap a fancy UI on them. They're well known enough to cause all sorts of issues from latency drops, to causing DMA/IRQ conflicts with other hardware. While it's fun to say "they're good enough" that's akin to saying, I can drive 80km on my new run-flat tires, it's good enough to get me where I need to go.

If you want a good sound, break down and blow the $50-80 on another card that has decent driver support. Your gaming/movie watching/audio listening/etc will thank you for it. Personally anything from Asus(xonar series), or HT Omega(if you really want to blow the money) will do you good, especially since they actually fix their drivers. And don't simply software disable functions like Soundblaster did on their LIVE! series cards.

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