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Comment Re:No points for bringing up performance??? (Score 1) 928

> If you are telling me systemd boots up my system faster, then you've just convinced me to use systemd.

Good lord, more crap about fast booting, as if that's some huge issue. It's not.

You think there is nothing more to performance than fast booting? No concerns about security, or stability?

Comment Re:As long as it works for Red Hat . . . (Score 1) 928

> From the perspective of my business

Speak for yourself then. I think most Linux users want Linux to be honestly open, and free. Most Linux users do not want Linux to be another Windows, or Solaris.

> not having free Linux is fairly immaterial, as the costs of supporting it and the multitude of applications we run on it far outstrip the cost of the OS.

Why not run AIX, or Solaris? Linux is for people who want free - there are many alternatives for people who prefer the proprietary model.

Comment Re:What system d really is (Score 1) 928

Redhay is using MS's playbook.

- Systemd seems a lot like Microsoft's OOXML strategy: say it's open, when it's really controlled by one company. Claim that users demanded it

- Hide everything in a binary blob

- Embrace monoculture

- Do not play well with others - especially UNIX

- There can only be one and so you must win at any cost

- Replace accepted standards with *your* standard

- Embrace, extend and extinguish because the people responsible for it have a culture which wants that

- Adopt Borg philosophy: resistance is futile, we have already won, why are you arguing?

- Be intensely hubristic: systemd is the best, therefore systemd is superior to all other systems, therefore systemd should to the jobs that other systems do.

Comment Re:Systemd has more than halved the reboot wall ti (Score 1) 928

You are manufacturing special situations to support your conclusion.

Are you kidding about the server? If a service is critical, the cost of an extra server is nothing. Also, if you are running all the stuff you say you, how "under utilized" could the server be?

Linux has it's problems - no doubt about it. But boot time would rarely top the list. SystemD is solving a problem that is not there. The radical changes that are required to utilize systemd are not justified, not by a long shot.

Comment Re:Read of the better systemd commentaries around (Score 1) 928

> we should also condemn people "jokingly" saying they're gonna put a hitman on anyone.

I agree. But we need a sense of perspective as well. I have received death threats. Lots of people have.

There is a guy named Pat Condell who posts videos on youtube that are critical of Islam, he get hundreds of death threats.

I agree that death threats are not cool. But they are really not all that shocking either.

Comment Re:Systemd has more than halved the reboot wall ti (Score 1) 928

As I understand it:

1) Systemd has a much slower shutdown, which means a reboot takes much longer.

2) Debian can be rebooted in 30 seconds. So even if boot was speeded up, it is a negligible advantage, and hardly justifies such a radical change.

3) Linux servers are not rebooted very often, making supposed advantage even more negligible.

4) If a service is critical, there should be a parallel server running it. Which make boot time even less meaningful.

5) According to this article at Distro Watch: : boot times are not improved. That has been my experience as well.

Comment Re:opposition to systemd keeps linux hard to use (Score 1) 928

> So this whole uproar about systemd is NOT about whats best for or what common users want, what its really about is a few sysadmins forcing their own way on everyone else, and actually about making Linux difficult to use for common users.

I think you have that backwards. A few sysadmins do have the power to force any radical change like systemd. Only a company, like Red Hat, has that kind of power.

Let me fix your statement for you: so this whole uproar about systemd is NOT about whats best for or what common users want, what its really about is a few developers at Red Hat forcing their own way on everyone else, and actually about making Linux difficult to use for common users.

Comment Re:Why dislike something you know nothing about? (Score 0) 928

I call bullshit.

The premise of your - suspiciously highly modded - post is: anybody who does not like systemd does not understand it. Well that is just plain crap.

Lots is known about systemd. Lots of serious problems have been documented in detail. Lots of extremely knowledgeable Linux admins do not want systemd.

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