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Comment Amusingly, this also got posted today (Score 1) 175

Can Students Have Too Much Tech?

"Students who gain access to a home computer between the 5th and 8th grades tend to witness a persistent decline in reading and math scores," the economists wrote, adding that license to surf the Internet was also linked to lower grades in younger children.

Comment Do you even want their WiFi if it was free? (Score 1) 129

I mean, if the WiFi was "good", free, and there were multiple APs with plenty of antennas and bandwidth... would you use it? Especially at a convention?

Even if it's encrypted, people are just going to sniff out your traffic, because they know the key too. The benefit cellular hotspots confer is that only YOU know the WPA2 key.

Comment Re:Honest question. (Score 1) 479

It's not like women currently in the profession are going to get paid more in this situation. Increasing the talent pool drives wages down. If you do this via H-1B or attempting to reduce barriers to women, you get the same results.

The OP wanted to know why everybody is making a giant fuss about it. It's not because companies suddenly developed a moral compass, but rather they figured out how to dovetail a "win-win" by adopting the cause. They get good PR, diversity increases, talent pool increases... but most importantly: costs go down.

There's no way to fight against this sort of wage suppression other than unionization, so if sexists want to use this as an argument, they'll just look like... sexists?

Comment Re:Honest question. (Score 3, Insightful) 479

I can give you the most politically incorrect reason that companies are falling over themselves to push this.

It's the same reason they fall over themselves for H-1B and other immigration reform.

They want cheaper labor because tech skills are rare. If there are equal numbers of women that are smart enough to program, but being held back by invisible barriers, it's in their financial interest to remove those, because that will create a larger supply pool and push down wages.

Bla bla bla other factors about how it's a good idea anyway, but we all know what really drives capitalism.

Comment Re:Market Share (Score 1) 269

in regards to iOS, the store and the OS are inseparable

in regards to Android, the OS allowing side-loading is the avenue that allows malware to enter

technically, it might matter as to if you say it's an OS issue or a "platform" issue, but practically, the nature of the OSes make the difference on this issue moot

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