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Comment Re: It's only worth it (Score 1) 237

I think it's a personality thing (train vs drive).

I was in long island for a while, and had a 90 minute door to door commute (working in manhatten). I hated it. A couple times I needed my truck in the city and drove, it was two hours each way, but I arrived feeling much better, and having had a much nicer experiance. This is even though you can drink on the lirr.

Comment Re:What what WHAT? (Score 1) 100

Well, this explains why I had trouble searching.

W3C is listed as a seperate provider in tables, here: (note, they chopped the direct link in my original post), and here:

Note, in the first link, everything except W3C is listed as correct, which is even more baffling for me, because somewhere the wrong information is being received, and it happened everywhere in the shop at once, across platforms.

Comment Re: W3C does geolocation? (Score 1) 100

It happened simulteneously on two osx comouters, safari and firefox, and six windows computers ( vista and 7) using Firefox and chrome.

The fact that it happened instantly everywhere is why I assumed it was an ip address in a database related issue.

It also appears to not be a problem for laptops, for which I assume mapped wifi is over-riding ip address

And yes, I have it all so wrong I couldn't even Google a solution (I tried).

Comment Re: W3C does geolocation? (Score 1) 100

I will look into it. I simply was going by the provider column at the linked page.

It's weird to me that providers 'a' through 'd' have my address right and w3c lists it in Ireland. It happened simulteneously to every desktop in the shop.

It's quite annoying. I definitely do not know what's going on, as I couldn't find a solution on Google and resorted to this.

Submission + - Terrible Geolocation

AvitarX writes: W3C has the IP address where I work as showing up in Ireland (we are in the USA). This is a nuissance for a lot of reasons (many dates now display in European format, prices are listed in euros, search results redirect to

Some of these issues can be worked around, but it's frustrating. I have searched as best as I can, and only can find information on the geolocation API in HTML5. The office is on a static IP address from Comcast.

When I visit all info is correct except for W3C's result, I have submitted that it is inaccurate, is there anything else I can do? Googling I have only managed to find usage examples for web developers/designers.

Comment Re: It's all about the haters (Score 1) 178

Does iOS have Google Now? that's actually my killer app right now. I LOVE that it scrubs my email to track packages and fight information. It gives me driving times to work, to where Hotels are booked, to friends' houses I frequent, all at approprite times.

Tells me about concerts I want to go to correlating my searches and location, weather where I am and where I want to be.

Essentially it's using all of the information it collects on me for me, and I am happy with the trade.

My recommendation to people until 4.x was get iPhone unless you are into the Google ecosytem on your desktop, now I honestly think it's a wash with pros for both. The last real killer feature of the iPhone for me was size, they eliminated that. When the first retina displays hit, I think they were definitively the best phone until things caught up. Even now, a lot of Android phones seem to have good screens on paper, but when you look at them, they're just a little off, but I think there's actually vibrant competition, and it's not just on price.

Comment Re: I don't know that I'd call it expensive and sl (Score 1) 35

I meant worth it as entertainment (op here, I haven't figured out how to post a too level comment on the mobile site, and the main site doesn't login after typing). There's definitely not enough space to do work, but for fucking around in places such as this on a tablet or a phone it's great.

By the time you're allowed to take your laptop out, you practically need to put it away anyway.

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