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Comment Re:Puzzled? (Score 1) 135

Also, I've used free airport WiFi, it universally sucks. Absolutely not enough bandwidth.

I would gladly pay $5 if that's enough to deter 50% of the users, especially if I had business to do.

I feel the same way about in flight access, the $5.00 on Southwest is practically unusable, but $10.00 on US air seems to be enough to drop usage to the point that it's worth it.

Comment Re: So when will the taxi drivers start protesting (Score 1) 583

I'd bet very big money it can detect the cop, as to the crazy guy, it'd probably treat them like a cop, using other clues as to the safe course of action (is another car ignoring the crazy guy / cop, are the signals one etc)

At worse, I'd think a crazy guy would be like a traffic cop others ignored, it's already needs to be prepared for that.

Comment Re:This, I am unsurprised about (Score 0) 241

I do not subscribe to the theory, but it's not illogical.

It was shortly afterwards used as an excuse to start an unrelated war that the people in power wanted to start, it also made many of their friends a lot of money.

So logic goes like this:

I want to take over Iraq to make my people lots of money, let's blow something up and blame middle easterners. Then lots of people make money, and government gets A LOT more power. It has it's logic.

Comment Re:Derp (Score 1) 250

If I don't wash my my face daily, I get horribly disgusting, like coated with grease (hurrah eastern European heritage). I need to use a mild, but non-moisturizing soap, and then spot moisturize to have any hope of looking human through the work day.

Also, my sweat is fowl, I have an ex who used to never use soap, just water and moisturize basically everywhere, but the Irish sweat isn't so gross.

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