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Giant Spiders Invade Australian Outback Town Screenshot-sm 373

youth68 writes "Australia is known around the world for its large and deadly creepy crawlies, but even locals have been shocked by the size of the giant venomous spiders that have invaded an Outback town in Queensland. Scores of eastern tarantulas, which are known as 'bird-eating spiders' and can grow larger than the palm of a man's hand, have begun crawling out from gardens and venturing into public spaces in Bowen, a coastal town about 700 miles northwest of Brisbane."

Submission + - It's official - March 14th is National Pi Day

whitefox writes: The scoop from CNet is that the "The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a resolution introduced two days earlier that designates March 14, 2009 (3/14, get it?) as National Pi Day. It urges schools to take the opportunity to teach their students about Pi and 'engage them about the study of mathematics.'" I doubt it'll ever become a national holiday — but the Pi string in the article is pretty cool in a nerdy, sorta way.

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