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Comment Re:Nuclear (Score -1, Troll) 432

Reminder that rampant anti-nuke and environmental protests are the cause of a lot of these problems

Wow - waving a sign causes a leak?
Whatever you stopped taking I suggest you get back on them again until you are functional. Not actually insane? Then please stop pretending to be, it's demeaning to yourself and anyone unfortunate enough to read such drivel is more likely to be driven away than be convinced.

How about you advocate for nukes on their merits instead of making shit up?

Comment Re:English - do you speak it? (Score 1) 1256

Not so bad that you could have missed it - what's with the fake stupidity? What's with the desire to be even more pathetic than that Damore loser?

"I’m simply stating

Ah yes, the old "I'm not saying" trick from a guy that ravaged his brain with cocaine before going on TV where people could laugh at his antics. You are not such a performing monkey. You should not expect to get away with performing monkey tricks without being considered an utter joke.

Is that what you really want to be? You are nowhere near as naive as those losers you are aping so why bring yourself down to their level?
Slashdot doesn't have to turn into a site where angry virgins whine about women taking their jobs (when it's the other way around - even at Google according to the Feds) so please act with your own maturity and not Damore's lack of it.

Comment Re:Not only does Damore have an NLRB case... (Score 1) 1256

pics or it didn't happen.

Wired didn't show a single thing that he cited out of context.

Then go bother them about it instead of some vague shit about "maybe something illegal happened" when there's an entire huge fucking illegal worker economy and a lot of tech visa abuse. Of course something illegal is happening, but it's kind of pointless to say that without a specific thing where charges can be laid.

Comment Re:Thanks, that clears that up (Score 1) 1256

What is "real" to you

The same as to everyone else obviously. If you've got nothing other than a ridiculous millenial rant then substance is somewhat lacking.
What was the point of you jumping on my comments when you have nothing? You even built a few strawmen in my name and told me how I should act in some utterly ridiculous "liberal" ways a few comments up - bad puppy!

Comment Re:Support Firefox Over Chrome (Score 1) 178

Completely seriously, which extensions are those? What do they do? Are they absolutely necessary for your work?

I'm not the above poster, but I do know some situations where it's going to get in the way of some people's work. There have been a rash of presentation tools over the last few years that have been used to produce training materials in a lot of places (against all sane advice) and now all those things produced by abandonware are not going to work in people's web browsers.

Comment Re:If you don't exit you're a Neo-Nazi. (Score 1) 263

but the rumors that Bannon's time at the White House is coming to an end would certainly mesh well

The day after Bannon gets a huge amount more press than Trump is the day Bannon goes. Until then he's probably safe so long as he keeps telling Trump about his loyalty - swearing fucking fealty as if to a King.

Comment Re:Thanks, that clears that up (Score 1) 1256

So, now you doubt that there was a diversity meeting

Obviously what I doubt was his claims about what was discussed. He was apparently told "a lot" in that "super secret" meeting but despite there being "a lot" he's a bit short on examples.
If it was so "super secret" how the fuck did he get in? He's just being dramatic, vague and a five foot plus walking dick whining about getting fired for insulting management.

could have said in the secret meeting that would rise to the level of recommending illegal hiring practices for you

Something real perhaps instead of vague things that are probably lies from a guy who claims he has a doctorate on linkedin but doesn't in reality.
You've been conned by this loser. You can argue your points better than he can. You are more grounded in reality than he is. You've probably been in the workforce far longer than him and have a better grip on the issues than he has. Give up on him and use your own words.

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