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Comment Re:the evils of Political Correctness (Score 1) 201

1. IQ test is considered bunk, and even if it wasn't, there are a whole plethora of tests, that yield varying results. Its very much not a mesaure like grams or meters which is absolute, and solid. 2. There are no good scientific studies on race and IQ that factor out things like education and poverty, and conclusively prove discrepencies. you don't have to a horse in this race just to see bad methodology.

Ah, but the tests themselves being crap does not prove that there isn't an average difference, which sounds like what you're saying.

Insufficient Data

Comment Re:Intelligent life (Score 1) 334

SGU was the best contemporary space-based sci-fi tv series with the kind of science fiction that had never been depicted before

You don't think that's overselling it a bit? I mean, the initial premise is that they're on a spaceship that's millions of years old...and been flying that whole time...across multiple galaxies...which they managed to teleport to by exploding a planet.

And then once they get on the ship, they spend the vast majority of screen time having human drama about how Rush is a huge sociopath and everyone hates each other. I think there was also occasionally some actual sci fi thrown in...

I'm not sure what you think SGU did so uniquely that SG-1 and SGA didn't. Maybe when they initially showed up and then spent the first four episodes just trying to keep the ship from falling apart, I guess...but that was because the premise was so ridiculous that nobody would believe it otherwise.

Comment Re: Sad? Saddest? (Score 1) 528

The reparations for WWI were a large part of what made the rise of the Nazi party possible, so condemning a whole country to economic collapse because of what their leaders did more or less caused WWII.

But obviously it's easier to say "fuck all " than to figure out which of their leaders are actually to blame (the Nuremburg trials, for some values of justice).

Comment Re:Intelligent life (Score 1) 334

Saying "but there's none nearby" loses most of its meaning when we can't even get to our own moon at the moment.

Hell, there could be civilizations inside Jupiter and we wouldn't even know it for another 60 years at least, let alone if they're an entire solar system over...

*Rush and several other angsty-looking crewmembers are looking at a display*
"What's that?"
"That's the galaxy."
*zooms out*
"Now this is Pegasus."
*zooms out farther, line bounces around to several different blobs and keeps going*
"What's that, more planets?"
"No, those are each galaxies. We're about...12 galaxies away, now."

(heavily paraphrased)

Comment Re:um (Score 2) 61

Actually they do because we the people authorized them to do so.

I wish we could call for a vote of no confidence in our government or something.

Also I would LOVE it if we had double dissolutions when our legislative houses deadlock on stuff like keeping the government open. Unfortunately of course, the country is gerrymandered five ways from Sunday so I'm sure such an election would have little to no actual effect.

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