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Comment Useless? (Score 1) 447

I'm fairly sure the Placebo Effect is effective. If it wasn't we wouldn't have an issue with it in medical studies. Who am I to take away someones perfectly functioning Placebo by convening them it's not actually doing anything? Also there are medications that are less effective than the placebo effect for some people. Some people are just far more susceptible to it. Good for them. They can feel better as long as they think they're doing something that'll make them feel better. Much harder to pull off that trick when you know where the man behind the curtain is. As long as we're not talking about the nuts who do Homeopathy in spite of an effective medical treatment being available.

Comment Re:Uh ...wat? (Score 0) 467

The word has become broken. People think doxing means to revel someones identity to the public. The days of it meaning I've collected enough evidence to prove this anonymous identity is truly this man behind the curtain are done. It now means the information I posted for public view on Facebook being posted elsewhere for my enemies to see even though they could have just used a phone book. If you dislike the change blame Gamer Gate, and the Journalists who abused the word till it had a new meaning.

Comment Clearly Parody, and Summary Has False Information (Score 1) 255

YouTube took it down, and put it back up once the director, and Saban came to an agreement. What they wanted was a clear indication that Saban had nothing to do with it, and to reduce the chance that children mistake it for their kid friendly version. The video is clearly parody, and mocks the premise of recruiting child warrior a la Africa Child Soldiers. Clearly the author of the summary is under the mistaken belief that Parody must be funny Ha Ha, and probably thinks Black Comedy/Dark Comedy has something to do with race.

Comment Re:Brought to you by the same government (Score 2) 127

I read your linked articles and I have little sympathy for the paranoid people who structure deposits in the belief they are avoiding taxes. To quote the first of your linked articles.

All of the money came from paychecks, he said, but he worried that when he deposited it in a bank, he would be forced to pay taxes on the money again. So he asked the bank teller what to do.

The teller was wrong, and should be fired, for telling him about how to avoid the reporting, and I don't have sympathy for anyone who's intention was to circumvent the law even if they wouldn't have had to pay taxes on it anyways.

Comment Re:You don't say! (Score 3, Interesting) 580

It's just a bad summery of the data. It's that half fall below the 92% rate for herd immunity. Not that half are below average, and even then you'd be making the mistake of assuming that the Average is Normally distributed because that's the only time the Average is supposed to equal the Median other than by pure chance.

Comment Does not correlate to Wealth? (Score 2) 580

Really? South Carolina Public Schools vaccination rate is 98.1%, but for Private Schools it is 96.02% For New York public schools are 99% and private schools are 88%. So you really expect me to believe that there is no correlation at all with being rich enough to afford private school, and poor enough to be stuck in public school?

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