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Comment Re:They throw money at shit they don't need... (Score 1) 235

Yep... I've done work for the Red Cross and they are extremely wasteful. We were brought in to audit the design, development and QA process to make it more efficient and less prone to defects and to reduce iterations... but even though THEY brought us in they fought the process every step of the way. We eventually ended up firing them as a client. I think they just wanted someone to rubber stamp their chaos.

Comment interesting issues (Score 1) 391

Interesting problem....

I'm very pro gun. I'm going to be buying two rifles (AR-15 and AR-10) and two pistols (two Colt 1911s, a .45 and a .22) and will be training for competitive shooting.... I do believe that the second amendment means what it says (The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed) but we made a really boneheaded move in not requiring background checks, and not implementing waiting periods across the board. When I'm ready to buy the firearms, I won't be opposed to a waiting period. I don't see either a waiting period or background check as any sort of infringement.

Also I think the whole "assault rifle" ban was ridiculous; why is it that if I put a semi-auto lower receiver into a plain-looking rifle it was okay, but if I put it into an AR/AK-style rifle that "looks scary" it is suddenly something which needed to be banned?

The interesting issue this presents is this: should we implement background checks for 3D printers capable of sintering metal, or CNC milling machines? Of course for a machinist who already has access to such a machine, it's simple to replicate a pre-original-ban AR lower receiver which is very easily converted to fully automatic (which should not have been banned since that IS an infringement but that's beside the point at the moment).

The bottom line is this: we need to not coddle psychopaths and sociopaths, we need to not ignore warning signs, but to commit and treat them. Don't let people with serious illnesses suffer and let anger or violent tendencies fester. Treat the actual problem - and if it takes implementing universal health care so they can actually get access to proper mental health treatment, so be it. Health care SHOULD be a universal human right - and yes it is an entitlement - EVERYONE should be entitled to full health care.

Why punish the tool, or act like the tool is the problem? The real problem is society telling everyone FUCK YOU WE DON'T WANT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE then suddenly act surprised when a teenager with serious psychological problems steals his mom's firearms and shoots up a school, or when a mentally ill adult decides to shoot up a workplace. Why are we so shocked when we keep rejecting universal health care, and keep rejecting treating the mentally ill?

At one point, there were shooting leagues in schools, where students brought their firearms in. What school shootings were there? The only shootings at that point were ones carried out by the government, not by The People. The mentally ill were locked away (which IMHO is nearly as bad as not treating them at all which is what we do now - we pretend they don't deserve "free" health care) to protect society. My generation? No school shootings, and yet guys often had rifles in gun racks out in the parking lot. No problems with it.... but now we're scared of our own shadows, and a kindergartener drawing a picture of a gun or playing "cops and robbers" and pointing fingers at each other and saying "bang" results in expulsion.

We have our priorities all wrong, we misplace blame on the tools rather than the evil and/or mentally ill people who carry out the evil acts, and we act all shocked when the people we denied health care end up hurting others.

Sooo do we start instituting background checks for ANYTHING which can be used as a weapon or manufacture a weapon (CNC milling machines, die grinders, billet metal, pressure cookers, knives, plate glass, tubing, anything which is combustible, etc.) or do we fucking wake up and provide free treatment to the mentally ill and start locking them up if necessary?

I say we start treating the mentally ill, and if they are a threat so society keep them locked up and provide competent treatment until they are mentally stable, and stop blaming inanimate objects for society's failings.

Comment Re:Hard Drive Bracket (Score 1) 258

Funny. I had a Dell desktop that I put a CD-ROM into. (Pentium 75; didn't come with one.) I forget why I didn't put it in the lower bay, or why I didn't have the right bracket, but anyway, a paperback copy of Stephen King's "It" was the exact right hight to hold it in place. I used it like that for several years.

Comment This is the way the site ends... (Score 4, Interesting) 150

... not with a bang, but:
_ a whimper
_ a hiss
_ no, wait, it was a bang
_ polls mixed in with stories
_ CowboyNeal

Seriously, this is FUCKING BRAINDEAD. Do you even know how this site works? Polls will get literally 5% of the votes and comments that they currently do. If you're going to take them out of the right column, you may as well just get rid of them. Seriously. Not kidding. Just fucking axe them. It's not like you give a shit about this site or its visitors or its history anyway.

So anyway, I was 17 when The Simpsons came out.* LOVED IT. Loved it for over ten years. Then it started sucking, then I started watching it less, then I quit watching it completely, and I was sad for a while (and watched the first ten seasons on DVD for a while), then I was still sad and wondering how it was doing, but couldn't quite be arsed** to find out, and just this year, I watched a couple episodes... and literally smiled once or twice during each -- nothing more -- and decided "Oh well, it's done, and it's kind of sad, but it sucks now, and I'm older, wiser, and can get by without it, and I won't even bother to watch unless I hear an episode is really great."

Finding a point in that narrative is an exercise left to the site owners.

Remember these stories? Good times.

* I might have been wearing an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time.

** USian here, but I *love* that term.

Submission + - SourceForge assumes ownership of GIMP For Win, wraps installer in adware (

An anonymous reader writes: It appears that SourceForge is assuming control of all projects that appear "abandoned." In a blog update on their site, they responded saying in part "There has recently been some report that the GIMP-Win project on SourceForge has been hijacked; this project was actually abandoned over 18 months ago, and SourceForge has stepped-in to keep this project current. "

SourceForge is now offering "to establish a program to enable users and developers to help us remove misleading and confusing ads."

Comment Re:Out of curiosity (Score 1) 321

> 6: Secure your servers so we aren't being
> attacked from letting your ads through

Dear advertisers: Start with that. I will absolutely continue to block as many ads as possible until you fix this. If you're going to annoy me, at LEAST don't potentially harm me. It's like walking through a department store and getting sprayed with perfume which might also contain anthrax.

Comment Re:They were better before (Score 5, Insightful) 236

The other motto is "hide everything, because we don't understand the difference between 'actually making something simple to use' and merely hiding complexity."

Dear Mozilla (and everyone else), fuck you. This shit is RETARDED. "Look everyone! We got rid of all those confusing menus! Now there's just one button! ... Which spawns a bunch of menus.

Oh, and the regular menus also all still exist.

Oh, and we have TWO buttons like that, because we are in full-on shithead mode. Why hide everything behind one button, when you can force user to FIRST choose from one of TWO buttons! Mwa ha ha ha ha! One looks like a fox, the other looks like a hamburger. NEITHER has ANYTHING to do with what lies underneath! Hey, "New Private Window" is pretty important... put it in BOTH! But only put "new tab" in one. But make "new tab" a menu, and put "new window" underneath it. Got all that? Good. I need another drink. It's almost 10am!

Seriously -- I couldn't make this shit up. There's a special spot in hell waiting for you douchebags. You are collectively wasting YEARS of people's lives with this monkey shit.

Comment Re:m6x00 upgrade wanted.... (Score 1) 133

> Worst thing ever. White-LED backlight. Why? Shit color gamut with RGB. White LEDs are near-blackbody in emission spectrum, have been for ages.

That would be true if white LEDs didn't have a very notchy color spectrum. The whole point of RGB-LEDs is that they cover the full Adobe color gamut. White LED backlights do not. Read up on backlight tech - RGB-LED is acknowledged as the best backlight. To get better you need a plasma screen (unworkable in a laptop unless you want crap battery life)

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