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Comment C++ without the C (Score 4, Interesting) 427

Apple recently introduced a language they call Swift or Objective-C without the C. It is technically a completely different language from Objective-C though. When C++ started out it had the major benefit that it was (mostly) compatible with C which at the time was immensely popular, making it trivial to mix new C++ code with existing C code. Today C is still a popular language but not as widely used as it once was. Assuming that C++ could drop C compatibility, how would you take that opportunity to improve C++?

Comment Re:The product owner and legal review? (Score 1) 57

Not sure why this is considered FUD. The thing about any DVCS is that once it is in the repo it stays in the repo.

That's true for non-DVCS too. If it's out, it's out. Doesn't matter if you distributed tarballs or Visual SourceSafe. If it's out, it out.

You have to be very careful about what is put out there in public. Given that this is git, though, I am not sure why the company does not use two repos. A private one for internal development, and a public one which has the merges from the private repo once a point in the graph clears any potential legal issues. This feature is one of the great strengths about git and github.

Well, it's going to have a social impact. There won't be much collaboration when all the company does publicly is basically code dumps.

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