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Comment Re:Worst Job Ever (Score 1) 177

Look what happened to the last guy who decided to fulfill the requirements of this job - he sought asylum in Russia!

O no... CHINA then Russia... that says a lot right there... Doesn't sound like some shit I'd be wanting to do unless scared shitless... He's probably having tea right now with kindly Vlad-amir... More isotope with ur tea Mr snowden?

Comment Re:Newspeak? (Score 1) 177

His job description entails standing around telling the NSA to stop doing all of the things the NSA does. It's not going to matter whether he performs this duty faithfully or not.

If he doesn't get the authority to make anyone do what he says -- or even listen to him -- then he can perform his job as faithfully as he wishes while the NSA can carry on with its own. Everybody wins!

Just like in Soviet Union... Everyone WINS all expense paid vacation!!!!

Comment Re:Wow! (Score 0) 310

How much do you get paid for this shilling gig? I mean, really. I want in.

So you declare without proof that everyone who disagrees with the AGW narrative is paid by evil corporations? *yawn* So dissent from your side of a political disagreement can automatically be dismissed with no further thought? How convenient, especially since that talking point was invented by the dried-gourd rattling witch doctor, give-me-a-virgin-to-sacrifice hucksters who cooked up the AGW scam in the first place.

No no I think he is claiming you need to get new talking points and stop using inflammatory language you stupid fuck... ooopps... Hypocrite detected...

Comment Re:Wow! (Score 2) 310

Quoting The Nation as a source? Really? For those too uninformed to know what I mean, The Nation is nothing but the spigot out of which the Current Truth of radical socialist talking points runs. Seriously, it is pure propaganda. It says a lot that The Nation supports those who are promoting the man-made climate change narrative.

Honestly I think I speak for a number of us here. We don't care anymore about Ds or Rs.... They can all go fuck themselves with a red hot poker...

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