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Comment Re:The Trap, Yourself (Score 1) 505

Terraforming of Mars is not going to happen. Mars no magnetosphere which means any plant or animal life will be killed if exposed, any liquid water will float off to space, and any amount of atmosphere we could create will be striped away as soon as it appears.

Terraforming and making a Earth like living conditions is more likely on the moon then Mars.


Submission + - GNOME Rotting In Threes (

zixxt writes: I have never gotten into the KDE vs GNOME debates, so this is not GNOME bashing, nor, as you’ll soon see, are these systemic development problems limited to GNOME. Yet what I’m hearing is that with GNOME v3 the goal is to promote their “brand” and make it dominant, in part by greatly limiting what users can change on their own systems, and partly by breaking or simply removing whatever support they’re no longer promoting as ‘The Way’. The reach of this selfish and narrow-sighted development goes beyond GNOME and affects GTK apps in general.

Comment Re:I guess they don't want me to buy their product (Score 1) 94

The AMD/ATI linux drivers suck, they are laying off their kernel folks, and no indication they have any plans to change. I hope they survive, but convincing me not to buy your products is not going to help.

AMD is the only choice in my mind. Intel is big and evil monopolist who hates consumers , and Nvidia hates Linux and OpenSource.

AMD is the only alternative to these goons in the PC market.

Comment Re:I remember (Score 1) 81

The problem is AMD's new "half core" design is a complete flop and is often just BARELY better than X6, and that is when you put X6 against the new X8, if you put them equal, X6 VS X6, then Phenom II wins.

Half core? Its full cores with shared FPU. Most CPUs/cores sold do not have a FPU at all. One does not need a FPU to be a cpu/core. It like saying Intel Sandy Bridge is a fake 4 core cause theres only one GPU on broad.

Comment Re:The Absolute Death of Software Copyright? (Score 1) 460

If it is because you hope to use lack of an ABI to force drivers to be open what do you say to the fact that the most stable graphics driver in Linux is Nvidia, who is closed?

Any proof that of that at all? Sounds like wishful thinking, just read the bug reports lists. The Nvidia driver is about as stable as as a sand castle in a hurricane.

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