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Comment Re:Got this wrong.. (Score 1) 1184

A 2500lb prius-C is rated at 46/53mpg. Granted, the 53mpg is during city driving, but that's where most people do most of their day-to-day driving.

Well, if they live in the city >.

Actually, I live in San Diego (city of...) and I spend the bulk of my time and distance on freeways instead of arterials... but that's because we have a sane freeway system down here :)

Comment Re:The only choice is to vote out DEM / Obama (Score 1) 468

"Okay then, if you want to make that distinction, if you're not alive then you don't need health insurance. Okay?"

The Supreme Court recently had something so say about the retardedness of that logic. States are different from the Government, and regulating an optional activity (you can live w/o a car) and a non-optional activity (you can't live w/o living) are two different things.

"Agree that it'll be better once we get rid of the health insurance companies altogether."

Why? I don't want government-provided healthcare any more than I want to eat in a government-provided cafeteria.

I pay for my own health care (HSA + out of pocket until I hit a deductable). I buy insurance for the same reason ANYONE buys ANY KIND of insurance: evaluating the risk, financial coverage for catastrophic incidents is more valuable to me than the average financial loss I'm expecting to take (by paying into a pool regardless of use). I expect the insurance company to come out ahead because I expect my insurance company to be solvent enough to pay for my needs under the policy if/when I need it to.

Comment What exactly is the problem with this? (Score 4, Interesting) 181

We keep asking for more intelligent and/or rational application of Copyright laws, including people bitching about draconian use of lawsuits, etc.

The alternative is something like this. IT'S NOT YOUTUBE'S FAULT. Youtube discovers someone else has uploaded this music and (presumably) claimed copyright over it. Someone "else" uploads it, and their software catches it. Good job, Youtube. The "original" artists should work things out with the other group, and/or sue someone.

Just not Youtube.

Comment Re:missing an important part (Score 1) 102

Hell, even Verizon has basically abandoned their efforts at uniform restriction. It doesn't work out well for them: they try to sell it as a bonus, but in the end it's a restriction when advancement occurs elsewhere.

I'm not sure who their supplier is, but the Verizon Navigator driving directions are far and away superior to Google Maps here in San Diego (and a lot of CA, it seemed this summer). More than worth the $10/month fee for me. YMMV.

Comment Re:Best care money can buy helps (Score 1) 495

Yes it covers her but barely. If the doctor does not take tricare like most of the better ones, you are stuck with the cheapies that dont want to do crap and only spend 5 minutes with you.

Way the bury the lede there.... If "most of the better" doctors don't take tricare, shouldn't that tell you something about socialized medicine?

Comment HyperCard lives on in every AppleScript (Score 3, Informative) 392

What I'd really like to see is a merging of the capabilities of system level and interface level scripting languages. The interface guys are all in AJAX-y Javascript land, while system-level scripting (at least on a Mac) is through AppleScript -- HyperTalk for the OS -- and well-formed apps. Reintegration would be awesome.

Remember this? http://www.latenightsw.com/freeware/JavaScriptOSA/

App Store and iPhone locking notwithstanding, I don't think it's a nefarious user-cannot-be-developer intent (though I'm sure many Slashdotters will disagree), I think it's simply where the market went and Apple's over-extension got the better of it.

Comment Slashvertisement or not, it's a nice Gedankenex... (Score 1) 214

Gedankenexperiment... lol.

Some day in the far future, there *will* be a Domino's Pizza (or it's corporate successor, or some other popular food chain) on the moon, just like you could get decent KFC on base in Iraq even during the height of the war/insurgency.

Virtually all projects large enough become defined, constrained, and shaped by their logistics instead of their preferred policy or plan. Right now, if you wanted to get it built up there, it would be expensive. I could see bored teams at Halliburton/KBR coming up with spec sheets for this kind of stuff as an exercise on off-days when the number of contracts coming in is low.

Comment "for the richest Americans"? (Score 1) 306

Nice way to stick that one in... How about tax cuts for ALL Americans? Or just tax cuts for AMERICANS. Instead, you're complaining about people making $XYZk a year as being the reason the next update to general relativity isn't made.

The nice thing about tax cuts is it put the money back in the hands of the person whose money it is.... the Taxpayer. If you feel that the blue-sky R&D is important (like I do), then go cut a check (like I do). Don't confiscate from others to venture on your own (cf the Electric Car story above)

Comment Skewed summary (Score 1) 990

Not that I'm expect much in the way of impartiality here, but...

"During the Bush Administration"? There's a subtle bit of tweaking going on there... it was passed by a Democratically-controlled Congress (albeit with a Republican pushing it, who has now mea culpa'd and is leading the drive to repeal it) and stuck in a 300 page energy bill.


And for more of the right-ward/libertarian spin on why this is a dumb idea, just keep scrolling:

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