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Submission + - Twitter and Meta take down pro-US propaganda campaign (bbc.com)

AmiMoJo writes: Twitter and Meta have removed from their platforms an online propaganda campaign aimed at promoting US interests abroad, researchers say. This is the first major covert pro-US propaganda operation taken down by the tech giants, says a report by social media analytics firm Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO). They removed dozens of accounts used in the campaign in July and August. It is not clear who is behind the propaganda operation. The researchers say Twitter has identified the US and the UK as the "presumptive countries of origin", while Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, said the US was "the country of origin". However, the researchers were clear that even though the companies named these countries, it did not prove they were behind the campaign. "We do not have the necessary information to attribute this activity to a single country or organisation," the SIO told the BBC. "What is clear, is that the activity is meant to further Western interests, including those of the US and allies." The BBC has approached the US State Department, the UK government, Twitter and Meta for comment.

Comment without eyeballs most bugs are invisible (Score 4, Informative) 23

This basic exploration of fuschia's basic security was not promising. The article goes deep into how to build it before diving deep into the security bugs found.

zx_status_t sys_debuglog_create(zx_handle_t rsrc, uint32_t options, user_out_handle* out) { LTRACEF("options 0x%x\n", options); // TODO(fxbug.dev/32044) Require a non-INVALID handle. if (rsrc != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) { // TODO(fxbug.dev/30918): finer grained validation zx_status_t status = validate_resource(rsrc, ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT); if (status != ZX_OK) return status; }

Comment Re:Why is "fairness" the goal? (Score 1) 51

"Not having fairness as a goal" is an old debate and has been essentially the position of bob briscoe for ages, who is highly influential in the design of things like L4S.

To tackle your analogy head on: Packets are not cars. Right there the analogy falls apart. Flows are not ambulances. Also... the paper was about the prospect of flow starvation under various conditions. However... being stuck with analogies...

I wish we didn't use the terms fairness or fair queuing as much as we do, because the real goal, when I talk about fairness of packets vs a vs flows, is "sufficient multiplexing".

Once you have good multiplexing, you can then deviate selectively to give a little priority towards the ambulances of the world, or (preferably), deprioritize the diesel trucks. However pre-reserving an ambulance-only lane, much like we have HoV lanes, is inefficient.

My viewpoint is best reflected in the sch_cake fq+aqm algorithms, bob's in the dualpi AQM.

In the context of this paper I am certain "my" algos will prevent starvation, less so with bob's.

Comment Re:Read the paper, not the blurb (;-)) (Score 2) 51

I thought this was a very good paper in that in that it comprehensively showed the unknowability of e2e congestion control, without some assistance from the network. I think we will find ever more bounds like this on the internet if we keep looking. This paper was good also. I long ago concluded this, but it's nice to have more backup. Research into congestion controls can continue, while (I hope), everyone starts just pouring better multiplexing into every bottleneck link on the internet.

Comment sqm - smart queue management - does work (Score 2) 51

We tried to deprecate the term QoS in favor of something that does work, SQM. Even then, if you are running at the line rate, just something like fq-codel or cake suffice (without a shaper). They are very lightweight, yet massive improvements over a fifo, and solve the problems outlined in this paper (were they at the bottleneck).

There's been something of a quiet revolution here. I suspect the vast majority of slashdot readers are running fq_codel today, as it's the default in linux, osx, and ios, all third party router firmwares, and a lot of wifi.
Efforts to get it into more ISPs shapers via Preseem and LibreSQM have been going on for years.

I would have liked to have thought the ./ community had thoroughly grokked by now that we don't need more bandwidth in many cases, but better bandwidth, capable of multiplexing voip, video, web traffic, etc. Yer welcome.

Comment rfc7567 - if you have congestion apply aqm and fq (Score 1) 51

You will always have congestion (RFC970) due to the nature of tcp. Most tcps will grab all the bandwidth until it gets a drop (funny video). What the paper shows is that delay based tcps can starve under more circumstances than previously understood.

. What's the answer? FQ (especially rfc8290), and AQM at every fbottleneck on the internet.

Comment Home routers should be built to last 10+ years (Score 0) 215

Home routers should be built to last 10+ years. And have software, continually updated, just as today's phones are. If we could just find a way upgrade every junked router in the world to *Wrt, and deploy those to everyone we'd have good queue management, ipv6, and the ability to sleep better at night,

Submission + - Latest speedtest.net app finally tracks latency with load (ookla.com)

mtaht writes: For many years speedtest has been a go-to resource for measuring the quality of a network connection, but it always had a flaw in that it did not measure latency whilst the network was loaded. (e.g., "bufferbloat") Speedtest has seen the light! It's finally reporting on the kind of sad latency numbers for so many services like 5G and starlink — 100s of milliseconds, sometimes seconds get. What's your results with the latest speedtest app?

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