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Comment Not really as "open" as all that (Score 2, Informative) 107

As the Wall Street Journal points out, they're going to be layering Adobe's proprietary DRM on top of the ePub. So even if ePub is itself an open format, it's going to be contaminated by Adobe DRM. (There's still no way to read Adobe DRM'd books on the iPhone/iPod Touch, by the way, unless you crack them.)

Comment Writing on the wall for DRM'd Mobipocket format? (Score 1) 232

It's interesting to note that Amazon OWNS Mobipocket, the encrypted format used by many of their competitors in the e-book industry, but have "embraced and extended" the format so that their Kindle is completely incompatible with other stores' Mobi encryption (without a lot of messing around with python scripts, anyway).

It occurs to me to wonder just how much longer Amazon will be content to provide DRM services to its closest competitors in the e-book biz. If it were to stop licensing Mobi DRM entirely, it could very well cripple large sectors of the rest of the e-book industry.

Comment Re:"Chemtrails?" (Score 2, Funny) 81

Well, now, pay attention people
Just in case you hadn't heard
There's some folks messin' 'round
With Mother Nature's little world, baby
And what they do is really freaky
They gets themselves a plane
And they fly it around with chemicals, baby
Tryin' ta make it rain
So when you're out there in that blizzard,
Shiverin' in the cold
Just look up to the sky
And thank the Government for the snow
And sing the low-down, experimental, cloud-seedin',
Who-needs-'em-baby? silver i-i-o-dide blues
Oh, yeah.

--C.W. McCall, "Silver Iodide Blues"


Submission + - Pick a Codeweavers package free on Tuesday only (

Robotech_Master writes: "As a result of falling gas prices, Codeweavers is going to offer a code good to download one of its commercial emulation software packages for free to anyone who visits the Codeweavers website on Tuesday only. Pick one of its "Windows-software-on-Linux," "Windows-software-on-OSX," or "Gaming" packages. This is one heck of a freebie; don't miss out!"

Comment Someone just bought an iPod Touch, eh? (Score 2, Interesting) 204

That's the only reason I can think of for this story suddenly coming up right now--this is what the iTouch uses for its location-detection (and I suppose the iPhone uses it, too, in conjunction with its cell-tower/GPS thing). I never knew about it until I had reason to look it up and find out how my iTouch knew where I was.

I thought it was a little creepy the first time I realized my iTouch knew more-or-less my exact location--but on the other hand, it's also kinda neat. Too bad it only works in urban areas.


Star Swallows Companion, Burps Out Planet-Forming Cloud 98

New Scientist is reporting that BP Piscium, an unusual star recently under scrutiny from astronomers, may have swallowed a nearby companion and spewed out a planet-forming dust cloud as a result. The team has also identified a similar scenario with another star which they hope will offer more answers.

Sperm Made From Female Bone Marrow, Men Obsolete? 459

Shaitan Apistos writes "British scientists have discovered a way to turn female bone marrow into sperm, allowing women to reproduce without the need of male companionship. All children born of this method would be female, due the lack Y chromosomes, and there is high chance of birth defects. Eggs also can be created from male bone marrow, but men looking to reproduce would still need to find a surrogate mother to handle the gestation period. I'd like to take a moment to welcome our new amazonian overlords and remind them that men are still very good at mowing lawns and fixing cars."

Submission + - MySpace No Place for Atheists? ( 13

Robotech_Master writes: "According to the article, since MySpace was acquired by Rupert Murdoch it has deleted a 35,000 member atheist/agnostic group, reportedly "the largest collection of organized atheists in the world." Some individual atheists' profiles have also been deleted. Bryan Pesta, Ph.D., the group's moderator, has an updates page."

Submission + - Ask Phil & Kaja Foglio

Robotech_Master writes: "I will be conducting a live call-in interview with Phil and Kaja Foglio of the comics Girl Genius, Buck Godot, What's New With Phil and Dixie, and many many more this Sunday, January 27th at 4 p.m. Eastern/10 p.m. Universal (GMT) on my talk podcast The Biblio File. Slashdot readers can participate live, either by phoning in or by using TalkShoe's web-based or stand-alone chat clients. (I've written a guide to all the different ways of connecting.) It will also be available as a downloadable or RSS-syncable mp3 afterward.

After I finish asking my own questions, I'll be using whatever time is left to ask other questions of interest, including taking questions from the live call-in or chat-in audience. If you won't be able to make it, post your questions in the comments. I can't promise to ask all of them, but I'll pick the most interesting ones."

Submission + - Live interview with Carl Macek, Sat. April 14th

Robotech_Master writes: "On Saturday April 14th, at 6 p.m. Eastern/3 p.m. Pacific, I will be conducting a live call-in talk radio interview with Carl Macek on my Robotech talk show, Space Station Liberty. Macek is sometimes known as the "animé Antichrist," but is also widely considered the man who kicked off the modern American animé industry by creating the TV show Robotech and dubs of films such as Akira and Megazone 23 .

The focus of the interview will be Macek's history in the animation industry, primarily centered on Robotech but also covering Akira and other anime dubs, Heavy Metal, Lady Death, and the rest of his varied career.

Anyone who wishes to call in to the show to listen or participate will be welcome to do so. (Due to the possibility of inflammatory "ambush" comments, I will probably not take voice calls for this episode from people I do not know to be trustworthy, but everyone is welcome to post comments and questions in the live chat area.) Questions do not need to be only about Robotech, but can cover Macek's extensive other work as well.

If you will not be able to participate live but would still like to submit questions, post them to this article or use my contact form. I can't promise I'll ask all questions that are submitted but I will try to ask any good ones. For more information on how to phone in and participate, see my TalkShoe guide page."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Conservapedia

An anonymous reader writes: Claiming to be "A conservative encyclopedia you can trust", the makers of Conservapedia seek to create "a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American" and proudly point to their quarter-million hits, and almost fifteen thousand page edits since going online. Online spoof in the key of Colbert, or serious outlet for those dis-satisfied with politically correct bias in Wikipedia?
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Ryzom goes to Gameforge AG

GreyBear writes: "Xavier Antoviaque has notified potential donors to the initiative that our offer to acquire the Saga of Ryzom MMO had been declined by the courts. He explains in the letter: "...At the end, there were three offers presented, and the other two were bigger than our's. They are keeping more employees than we do, and offer more money." The effort was nonetheless impressive, raising over 170K Euros in donation promises, and attracting support and a hefty donation from the FSF."

Submission + - End to Skype's Free Promotion

webax writes: "NEW YORK (Reuters) — Internet telephone service Skype said on Wednesday that it would charge customers $29.95 a year for unlimited calling in the United States and Canada, a service it had offered free since May..." e=technologyNews&storyid=2006-12-13T175604Z_01_N13 425300_RTRUKOC_0_US-SKYPE-CHARGES.xml&src=rss

Hopefully another VoIP contender will take up the challenge and offer the internet unlimited long distance now, the free service lasted so long it almost feels like a right (=

Submission + - Authors Try New Publishing Model: Taking Donations

Robotech_Master writes: "When John Kelsey and Bruce Schneier came up with the Street Performer Protocol in 1998, it was meant to provide an alternative model of publication that would allow artists and writers to earn a living from their work even if it was immediately disseminated across the Internet as soon as it was published. Eight years later, at least four fairly-well-known science fiction and fantasy writers are using a modified form of this publishing model, the "Storyteller's Bowl," to finance the writing of books that are otherwise unpublishable. In this article, I look at how these writers — Lawrence Watt-Evans, Diane Duane, Sharon Lee, and Steve Miller — are using that model, the differences between it and the "pure" Street Performer Protocol, and the degree of success they have been having. I will also be conducting a discussion about this subject on my live call-in Internet talk radio show, The Biblio File, on Saturday, December 16th at 3 p.m. Eastern/8 p.m. Universal time. Mrs. Duane will be in attendance, barring technical difficulties."

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If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
