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Submission + - Complain about Comcast, get fired from your job (

ub3r n3u7r4l1st writes: When you complain to your cable company, you certainly don’t expect that the cable company will then contact your employer and discuss your complaint. But that’s exactly what happened to one former Comcast customer who says he was fired after the cable company called a partner at his accounting firm.

Be careful next time when you exercise your first amendment rights.

Comment Re:Here's another perspective (Score 1) 389

Yup, and with that most ESL students (especially those from east Asia) are doomed out of high school because they are only qualified to go to a community college, even if they get 800 on the quant SAT, 36 on ACT Math, getting A's in all the math and science courses, etc. No "real" college will accept them because they get C's and D's in English, history, music, and most liberal arts courses.

Comment India: Scammer country (Score 3) 210

ugh, this is a real disgrace on India. I think this scamming here is frequent from India because there is little to no regulation, law or enforcement of it if there were one about scamming 'foreigners'.

This is how most of the Indian GDP were composed of.

It is part of their culture. In the university that I went to, 90% of the Indians are cheating. This is in a electrical engineering master's program.

That's why our organization will not hire any H1Bs.

Comment Re:My experience (Score 1) 250

Just for reference, at least in downtown Chicago and NYC, a person with 5+ years of well rounded senior level person with VMWare, some SAN, and Windows is going for $130K. A "good" Cisco guy starts at about $140k.

Excellent. This gives me some reference salary points when I am looking to switch out from the academic sector to the private sector by next summer (in the Chicago area preferred). One thing you want to look for is a PMP (Project Management Professional) credential, it is getting very popular in the IT industry.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 509

You forgot to say "Private" student loans. Federal student loans have very generous provisions on forgiveness so if you have ultra-high balance you probably will get some forgiven if you use Income-Based Repayment. Plus, the interest are deductible (as adjustment to income) on your federal tax return.

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