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Comment Re:Hormonal Imbalance? (Score 1) 320

Sorry, tend to "spell out" acronyms in my head, not "read them out", "FYI=F.Y.I., like F.B.I". Since F is phonetically starts with a vowel, it should have "an" before it, not "a". If I had written out "For Your Information" then you would certainly be correct.

Yes, if you had started your sentence with "For your information" (or even just "FYI"), it would have made sense. To say "as a for your information" is incoherent.

(My bone was not so much with the "'a' vs. 'an'" thing)


Comment Re:Meet the new version, same as the old version. (Score 1) 605

Most of my friends who use macs (none of whom are technical, they're all in the design space) just gave up on trying to get their old software to work with the new version and bought all new software. Compare that with Microsoft where althought they're not officially supported, almost all DOS applications will still run. So if you bought some piece of software in 1988 for DOS 3.0 chances are pretty good that it will run on Vista.

That's great, but nobody in the design space is using 1988-era software on the Mac. In fact, nobody in any space, really.

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