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Comment Re:A new Firefox? (Score 1) 156

It's a branch of firefox, basically the same thing without all the bullshit. I've been using mainly chromium(chrome branch) for the better part of two years. The chromium branch is the same as chrome minus the tracking components stripped out. For anyone interested you can grab the prebuilt here or grab the uncompiled version from the repository here and build your own.

Comment Re: So What (Score 2, Funny) 324

Well, I think that ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE agrees that our taxes are spent on the wrong things. The young think too much is spent on the elderly, the healthy think too much is spent on the sick, the pedestrians think too much is spent on roads, the childless think too much is spent on education, etc... And I bet there are people who think that homeland security, the police and the military are getting way too much.

But until someone comes with a better way to decide where the money gets spent we are stuck with the time honored one: wherever it will bring the politicians more power, which in the US means votes and campaign contributions.

And a lot of noise will be made as to where expenses will be cut... usually, whatever programs do not have powerful, organized groups benefiting from them. You can't cut grandpa's check without losing his vote, but you can cut school lunches or fail to fund infrastructure maintenance.

There are no easy solutions. And speaking for myself, I can a lot more benefit, for myself, by working harder, than trying to influence how much I pay in taxes, and where it gets spent.

I have a choice where I live and work. I chose the US in the 90s, and I do not regret that choice, not even when I have to deal with our healthcare (which is the only thing I think is done better elsewhere). Pre- or post- Obamacare, with my experience of other healthcare systems, the changes are not worth commenting on. It was terrible, it is terrible, but as long as I have a good income, it's survivable.

Comment Re: So What (Score 5, Insightful) 324

We get more from taxes. A poor person may get a pittance for food and lodging, but we, and by that I mean middle class professionals, get roads on which to drive our nice cars, police protection for our belongings, safe streets around where we live... and basically a nice life. And yes, we get it from the society that is made possible by taxes.

If you are one of the brainless retards who think that their guns and mad macho skillz will keep them on top if there is a breakdown in law and order, I won't even bother arguing with you. I'll just say that I lived through Bulgaria's transition from a police state to a society run by organized not-quite-criminals, and saw how happy people were to see an end of the truly lawless times.

Without taxes, there is no law enforcement. Without law enforcement, there is no security. No one is tough enough to guarantee their own security without organizing with like minded and skilled people. Once they have organized, they decide that they don't be keeping themselves secure, they are protecting others as well, and... start collecting taxes.

Comment Re:Maybe this is just my perspective as an outside (Score 1) 124

Really? Let's look at their latest moral outrage over a 30 year old limerick that's been used up to this day. Now let's look at the pushback by people against the sjw mindset and narritive. Their narrative is, it's "transphobic" it's not, it actually caused murders(it didn't). If you're unwilling to protect your culture, then don't whine when someone turns around and tries to make it into something you wouldn't recognize. The rest of us however, have no desire to see an already and accepting culture turned into a pile of crap. Much like what they did to atheism, comic books, and the sci-fi/fantasy book genres.

Comment Re:Maybe this is just my perspective as an outside (Score 1) 124

This is the first time I've heard of it in nearly two months. Even Slashdot and Cracked stopped posting stories about it weekly some time ago.

Cracked just finished namedropping gamergate a week ago, and the washington post did something similar a few days ago. It's still in the news, which should tell you something.

Comment Re:Maybe this is just my perspective as an outside (Score 1) 124

Are you claiming Zoe Quinn was not harassed?

Technically no. Neither was she doxed(she released the information herself), or had her nudes released(she did porn, and it's still available on their website). She also left the country on a per-arranged trip and tried to dish it up as a "this is what harassment has done to me..." type of crap. She did however, go after and harass wizardchan not once but at least twice. Tel me, how petty and low do you have to be to go after a bunch of overweight virgins who want to be left alone?

Once you get outside of what narrative they tried to push, and actually look into it yourself, you suddenly find that things don't actually match up. Reality is far different from the fiction presented.

Comment Re:Maybe this is just my perspective as an outside (Score 1) 124

I've asked dozens of times for said evidence of people who are pro-GG who've "committed crimes" I have yet to see it. I can however find easily plenty of vocal aGGro's who are active to this day who've actually broken laws, including anti-swatting laws. What I find funny is the comment is the second sentence, you've just come out saying that people can't make their own decisions. You realize how bigoted that is right?

Comment Re:Maybe this is just my perspective as an outside (Score 2) 124

Putting social justice in scare quotes while blathering about moral authoritarians is amusing enough, but to do it while equivocating about your side's wilful invasion community spaces for the purposes of moral crusade? Classy.

Except it's accurate. You miss the attack against lionhead studios and their support for national cleavage day? Or how about their attacks against various types of dress? Of course, when they use exactly the same thing it's not 'sexist' anymore. Then again, we didn't start the invasion now did we. They did, when they decided they wanted to turn everything into a political pissing match and people said "enough."

Then again aGGro's are so small in number that they can't even trend a hashtag. There goes that myth that GG is 300 people.

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