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Comment Re:We aren't stupid... (Score 4, Funny) 105

Revised proposal from FCC:

We have heard your concerns and being the responsible and responsive agency that we are, we have revised our proposal. Companies like Netflix can now pay companies like Comcast to degrade data delivery for everyone else. See, we've completely reversed course. Thank you for expressing your concern. See what a difference you can make when you stay informed and involved?

Comment Bring it on (Score 2) 865

I have one car with an ignition key and two cars with start buttons.

Every time I get in the car with the key it goes something like this:

Sit down
Reach for start button
Curse under my breath
Dig through pocket for key
Start vehicle with key.

I'd love to be done with mechanical keys.

Submission + - Custom 3D-printed kayak is a homemade work of art ( 1

awaissoft writes: Jim Smith is an ambitious man. He not only built himself a large 3D printer, he also decided to have it make him a kayak. It appears to be the world’s first 3D-printed kayak, and it’s a stunner.

The kayak’s multi-colored patchwork design looks like it would appeal to Colin Baker’s version of “Doctor Who.” The boat consists of 28 parts printed using ABS plastic. The materials to produce the nearly 17-foot-long kayak with a 6mm-thick hull cost around $500, according to Smith. The whole contraption weighs nearly 65 pounds, which is pretty much in line with the weight of a regular kayak.

The individual sections are held together with metal bolts and sealed with silicone so it won’t go all Titanic and sink. The internal structure features a series of ribs to help strengthen the design. The unusual creation is water-worthy, with photographic and video evidence to prove it.

The 3D printer that spit out the kayak is as impressive as the vessel itself. The custom-built gadget builds parts on a large scale and uses a heated chamber to prevent warping and cracking. Smith has been fine-tuning the printer, based on his own design, since 2008.

One of the advantages of printing your own kayak, besides owning a one-of-kind piece of floating art, is that it can be customized to your height and weight. Smith did exactly that. It was a time-consuming project, but it’s also a sneak peek at the possible future of 3D printers in the home. It might not be too long before we’re all churning out custom kayaks, or even 3D-printed cars.

Comment Re:Niggers and Jews (Score 5, Funny) 529

Anonymous cowards
Can be deranged
This one’s below the IQ range.

Anomymous cowards
Some say they love God
But this one’s behavior would make that seem odd

Consider this
It’s no surprise
That the stench of his stink, will water your eyes

For in fair society
If you know you are wrong
Post anonymously as none can tie you to your bomb.

.Yes, I know that not all Anonomous Cowards posting on this site are like this fine example of humanity. So, my apologies in advance

Submission + - Oldest known multicellurar lifeforms on public display for the first time

Sique writes: The Natural History Museum in Vienna is the first to show the oldest fossils of macroscopic multicellular life. These outstanding fossils were investigated by an international team of scientists led by French-Moroccan geologist Abderrazak El Albani from the University of Poitiers and French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). This sensational discovery fundamentally changed our understanding of evolution and pushed back the known origin of multicellularity about 1.5 billion years. Despite their evidence for the evolution of life, the Gabon fossils have never before been open to the public.

Comment Re:Yes, that's obviously safer (Score 5, Informative) 142

Looking at the screen and interacting with it is obviously safer than holding the phone to your ear and talking to someone. Don't be an idiot. You're operating a two ton machine at speed. Keep your eyes on the road.

Steven R. Spriggs, the appellant, held his mobile phone in his hand to use the mapping application to find his way around the congestion when STOPPED in heavy traffic

This person was not moving at the time. On top of that, if the phone had been a Garmin GPS instead of a phone the ticket would never have been issued even though the user would have been using both devices in the same way.
This kind of stuff is just stupid.

Comment Chalk board moment (Score 1) 206

Fuller of information?

Is it just me, or did that topic title make you cringe? So I guess my mind treats information like a fuller treats wool?

Here is an article about fullers:
Wool industry

Also, things cannot be 'fuller' than full. Things are full or they are not. And even then, it would be 'more full' not fuller.

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It is better to never have tried anything than to have tried something and failed. - motto of jerks, weenies and losers everywhere
