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Comment Re:Hurray for Japan (Score 4, Insightful) 274

Or perhaps it is because they have an entirely different culture? One where violence had a severe cost just two generations ago, just about the same time had all cultural celebration of violence stomped out by foreign influence, and at the same time their national defense was overseen by an entirely different country so there was no nationalistic need to push any type of propoganda for desiring a career relating to violence on its young men. Assuming you could snap your fingers and make all the guns go away in America, you still haven't solved the underlying problems of undertreatment of the mentally ill, mistreatment of the poor, and the prevailing attitude that I'm not responsible for my own actions.

Comment Re:Time to shift gears for the human race (Score 1) 291

To do what you suggest then you've got to bring everyone to the table. You have to hold everyone to the standards. That means you are going to starve growth in the third world. That means you have to get China to play ball. If you don't do that you will push first world businesses to operate in third world countries because it is cheaper to not be clean than to be clean. And who knows how you get China to play by the same rules as everyone else.

Comment Re:I signed up (Score 1) 465

While SuperPACs are a problem, I don't think they are the fundamental problem. Lessig is promoting another patch to fix a piece of a broken system. The removal of SuperPACs would still leave us with a two party system. The people with money will continue to find ways to get around campaign finance reform and buy their power. I'll have wasted my money on a temporary solution and I'll still be practically disenfranchised by the wealthy.

Comment Re:I've heard this before (Score 1) 264

My use of humanities courses has grown as much as my advanced math courses. Over my career I've used foreign language studies and psychology extensively in addition to the communication related courses. I've known of a few people who've had to some intesive historical research for technical projects and some computer science research requires a solid foundation in philosophical studies. Every education will have some stuff that you never use even in your own field, but a good education will expose you to the types of learning that you will need to grow your knowledge to complete any task.

Comment Re:I think he's right (Score 1) 264

Experience gives detailed in depth knowledge, education gives general broad knowledge. Being too far on either end of the spectrum can cause some difficulties. I've had several cases in my career where very good senior engineers were baffled by a problem too far afield of their experience and education, when the answer is basic 2nd year CS material.

Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 1) 1374

I've known CC holders do the same while they carry, even when the other person starts a physical altercation. Having a firearm doesn't mean I have to use it to solve an altercation, it means having the option if things get to that point. Maybe you've got a skill, maybe you're in a good place in your life to not be as vulnerable, maybe you've just missed that situation where what you are and what you say is deterent enough. That isn't a one size fits all shoe you are wearing. Your experience doesn't change the idea that the primary purpose of a personal defense weapon is deterent.

Comment Re:preaching from the choir (Score 1) 264

I skimmed the article ( a little better than normal for /.), but it looked like he was arguing about the importance of humanities courses rather than humanities degrees. I'd agree with him that our current focus on STEM doesn't need to harm humanities courses. As I've grown in my field, I've found as great a wealth in my humanities classes as I have in my more advanced math courses.

Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 1) 1374

"To want a gun is in a way proof that you're unfit to have one." So if a woman wants one after being raped and subsequently stalked, she is unfit? So if a prosecuter wants one because of how successful his career has been, he/she is unfit? If my grandfather wants one because the old man a block over was beaten to death by three teenagers, he is unfit? Don't imagine that the people who most vocally call for gun freedom are the people who benefit the most from it.

Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 1) 1374

"Use a gun for its intended purpose = someone ends up dead" This seems rather simplistic. I don't own a gun but I've been researching and looking at various manufacturers for a while. Some firearms are clearly for personal defense (or homicide if you have little faith in humanity), some firearms are for killing specific types of animals other than humans, others are pretty poor choices for killing anything and are designed specifically for shooting inanimate targets, others are clearly designed to do little more than make the owner feel like a man. Finally, if I use a personal defense weapon for its intended purpose then I've never even drawn it because I've detered an attack by verbally confronting the person and letting them know I have the means and the will to protect myself.

Comment Re:It may be an excess of caution.... (Score 1) 59

Head mounted displays are used pretty regularly in military aviation. Issues typically involve either occlusion of field of view (which this project seems to utterly fail at) and additional weight putting strain on the vertebrae in the neck. The other thing about this is the use of personal viewing display which probably doesn't have a focal point of near infinity, which means you have to refocus your eyes between the real world and the displayed information. This looks like a really cool DIY project but it isn't a serious HMD.

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