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Comment Re:It may be an excess of caution.... (Score 1) 59

Head mounted displays are used pretty regularly in military aviation. Issues typically involve either occlusion of field of view (which this project seems to utterly fail at) and additional weight putting strain on the vertebrae in the neck. The other thing about this is the use of personal viewing display which probably doesn't have a focal point of near infinity, which means you have to refocus your eyes between the real world and the displayed information. This looks like a really cool DIY project but it isn't a serious HMD.

Comment Re:Not our education system (Score 1) 306

Mathematics used to be a discipline that was used to teach critical thinking. Fortunately/unfortunately, the actual application of mathematics for every day life has become such an indispensible skill that we don't have classroom time to use it to teach critical thinking like we once did.

Comment Re:In otherwards (Score 1) 664

Look at the Tennesee Valley Authority. It isn't a model that would work with every government service and the poverty of the region isn't a model of all poverty. However, it is a successful government project that took taxpayer seed money, is operating off of payment for services to taxpayers while still being part of the big bad federal bureaucracy, and lifted a huge group out of rampant poverty.

Comment Re:The big problem with his map? (Score 1) 213

Here is the thing. My personal experience is that they are targeting articles based on the political slant they have assigned to my personal profile. I get that the slant sells but since yahoo seems to have a system that can deliver slant both ways in an semi-intelligent manner, I don't understand why they would alienate roughly half of their US audience. It isn't like liberal leaning Americans are too good for it, Huffington Post is probably the second most popular news source I see represented in my social network and it is overwhelmingly my liberal friend's online favorite news source and definitely has a frequent liberal slant.

Comment Re:The big problem with his map? (Score 1) 213

I definitely notice the similarities to political boundaries although I didn't notice the coloration. I have a problem with the business case for them choosing to be similar to Fox News. I can tell from personal experience they have been experimenting with user targeted slant with their news articles. If they can slant based on what they think they know about me then why in the world would they only do conservatism?

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