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Comment Re:Age and quality. (Score 1) 443

I have two problems with slashdot and this is one of them (the other is the moderation system buries good comments if the article isn't new):

I have learned a lot of stuff from slashdot technical discussions; but I was a humanities (a foreign language and literature) major college, not science and I am in law school now. The groupthink here about the humanities and legal concepts is not just poor, it's often flat out wrong. Of course, if you know how to write a Hello World program in Perl, C, and Python, then you know that assault and battery are the same think, Shakespeare was really Francis Bacon, and Citizen Kane was just some flick.

Comment Re:the days of old (Score 1) 443

I'm not saying it's better or worse or anything. Just that it seems to have changed and I'm sure it's changed between the start and the days of old when others were decrying the decline. My original point was only really that it's changed; I wonder if we can reasonably say slashdot has "retained" its audience.

Comment Re:Age and quality. (Score 4, Interesting) 443

I dunno, there are old-timers here who have been around longer than I have, and I go through cycles of posting and not posting, but I think there's been a pretty marked change in both the kinds of users and the stories. I will probably get moderated to hell for saying this, but when I started lurking and then signed up for an account, slashdot at that time was more like some parts of reddit (to disclaim I post in both places, and I think the general quality of comments are better here, but there was a level of free-wheeling, shared culture that isn't quite as present here - it reminded me of the quirkiness of the jargon file). Back in those days everyone would catch and upvote semi-relevant Simpsons and Red Dwarf quotes for example (I got into RD via slashdot, if I remember correctly).

Perhaps the change in stories has been related; it's gotten a lot more general (it probably started before but I remember noticing the change as and after the politics section was added).

So yeah, the site's still around and there are still people posting and it's still relevant (more than I can say for digg), but the focus and community have changed a lot and for better or worse, as far as "net culture" is concerned, it seems like 4chan and the sites that interact with it's culture (reddit, unyclopedia) have more influence.

Don't get my wrong, I still love the slashie.

Comment CmdrTaco (Score 4, Interesting) 443

I'm curious about CmdrTaco saying the site isn't always what he wants it to be; care to elaborate?

I'm seriously not trying to start a flame war or anything like that; just curious as to how the site has differed from your vision for it.

Comment A Trend, Perhaps? (Score 2, Interesting) 76

A lot of these 2D games for these Wii seem to look great at 1080 (well, by a lot I mean this and Muramasa; The Demon Blade). I wonder if this is proof that there may be in fact a Wii HD in the works. I thought they were just the normal fanboy rumors but perhaps Nintendo is already planning on it? Between the motion controls on the other two machines (especially the PS3's) it seems like the 3 major consoles are reaching for parity with each other.

Comment Re:stupid (Score 1) 215

You've been modded funny but I think this is really true; Slashdot's comment moderation system is one of the best on the Net, but the major down side is that comments posted after a while get buried. A lot of good comments just get buried in the mess. I wish there was some way to counter act that but nothing seems readily apparent to me.

Comment Re:Same Old Song, A Jack of all Trades (Score 1) 778

That's my point though (I might be old too but...) anything that tries to do everything isn't going to do anything that well.

For example, I am a gamer. Yeah, if I wanted to, I could play Peggle or whatever on the iPhone. But I am not going to get the last Mario RPG game on the iPhone and I don't want to play the casual games on the iPhone. Making the iPhone a good game machine would compromise it as a phone or a camera, or whatever. One extra function is going to compromise the others in some way and to some degree (even if it's just space on the device, but probably even more).

Comment Same Old Song, A Jack of all Trades (Score 5, Insightful) 778

You keep hearing about the things that phones are going to replace and, at least for me, it's never been true.

I like having a Nintendo DS. The iPhone has not provided a game with the depth of most AAA DS titles. It's lack of buttons is a serious problem with gaming.

The camera isn't as good as any half way decent point and shoot. I haven't gotten a chance to play with any GPS software for any smart phone, but I hear there are limitations (including the need for cell service) that stand alone GPSes don't have.

Even the music functions of an iPhone aren't as good as a regular iPod or (gasp, because I love Apple gear) a Zune.

And yeah, you can use it as a watch, but any fashionable man knows that a watch is how a guy shows off. It's the only acceptable piece of jewelry for the well dressed man.

Even today's best smart phones are just communications devices with varying degrees of success. Occasionally a smart phone is "good enough" in a pinch; photographers like to say the best camera is the one you have with you, which certainly applies to smart phones. But if I know I want to play games or take pictures, I take my DS or my camera, or whatever. Phones haven't and won't - because each thing needs its own UI and software guidelines, no device is going to be able to do it all well.

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